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Angel Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 27 Unique Sources About Angel

angel image Angel - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

Angels have always been considered the messengers of God. In psychological terms, this dream could be a message from those parts of your inner self that want to lead you towards satisfaction and happiness. Angels also symbolize the invisible, the hidden forces.

Dreaming of them, in this case, indicates that you have embarked on a new journey in the course of personal evolution. So, it announces that you have great opportunities for self fulfillment and you must not waste them.

If the angel looks sinister, you must look for something that is wrong in real life.

It is important to take note of it and to dedicate yourself to fix it. Finally, dreaming of the angel of death is not a bad omen. Chances are it is related to your own anxiety that is looking for a way of expression.

The oneiric angel predicts good luck in love, relationships, and friendships. When there are more than one it means that you will receive an inheritance; when it comes into your house, you will be healthy.

ANGEL ALONG - analysis of the dream

Ruth dreamed: At night I was on the roof of my house when I saw an angel flying. He was very handsome, measuring more than 6 feet, strong build, and long blond curls. The only outfit he was wearing was a long transparent tunic so I could tell he had a muscular body. I was impressed by his presence and in that moment, I felt a deep love. I never had that feeling in a dream. He remained suspended in the air, looking at me and smiling; and then he said, ‘Ruth, open the door. I want to come into your house.’ I woke up with a very pleasant tingling belly.”

The oneiric angels are often carriers of divine messages. For more than two years Ruth had kept her heart doors closed. Someone broke her heart and she was not receptive to love at all, so she was not able to fall in love again. At the time of this dream Joe had appeared in her life, and with him, a whole torrent of romantic feelings. However, she remained hard and contemptuous to him. She liked him a lot but was afraid to fall in love.

The angel asking for permission to enter her house represents her unconscious willing to accept love again. To fall in love in dreams reflects the subject’s desire to achieve a deep and sincere relationship.


Angels, spirits, demons and the like may feature in dreams either as symbols of blessing or warning or as symbols of parts of yourself which could lead you to greater fulfilment or, if neglected and scorned, could severely damage your chances of happiness.

(1) Is the angel in your dream a guardian angel, well disposed towards you and perhaps offering you help or protection? If so, see it as a propitious sign, or as a symbol of something in your (as yet) unconscious psyche that can remove obstacles and advance your progress towards fulfilment and happiness.

(2) Is the presence of the angel sinister and disquieting? If so, try seeing it as something within yourself that is going to erupt and cause trouble if you do not pay attention to it and allow it proper expression in your life.

(3) It is just possible that youi dream is a premonition: that the angel is the angel of death. But, although dreams are frequently clairvoyant in the root sense of the word (‘clear-sighted’), and contain intuitive insights, only rarely do they foretell the future in any physical sense. What they frequently do is to give warnings about the likely consequences of persisting in certain habits of behaviour or attitude.

It is most likely that the meaning of the angel in your dream is to be found along the lines of (1) or (2) above.


(See Also: Authority Figures, Icons)

A personal guide or guardian who either safeguards you in times of need or conveys important messages, most likely of a spiritual nature.

Divine blessings and protection, especially if one covers you with its wings. In Christianity, angels are servants and messengers for God, often attending and defending believers in their ministerial tasks.

What is the angel’s attitude toward you? If disapproving, this is a sign that you feel negligent toward important teachings from your youth or faith. This caused guilt and inner conflict over notions of “right” and “wrong.”

Recognition of bravery or honor. In Germany, winged Valkyries took great heroes to Valhalla, their version of heaven. In Persian tradition, similar beings called “houris” took faithful, courageous warriors to an erotic paradise for eternity.

Cosmic patterns and energy. In the 6th century, a monk named Cosmas Indicopleustes said that angels pushed and pulled heavenly bodies on their course. Other religious people claimed that the stars themselves were angels in disguise.

Cherubic angels: A type of Cupid, the Roman god of love, whose arrow smites humans with eros and passion.


Pay attention to the other symbols in the dream.

A dream of an angel almost always implies that the dream contains an important message that could have a major impact on your life.

There are many different kinds of angels.

Dreaming of a strong, commanding, six-winged seraph is a powerful sign that any difficulties occurring in your life will be overcome by your own strength and determination.

A smaller, gentler cherub is a bringer of God’s knowledge and wisdom, so dreaming of a cherub (not to be confused with a putto) hints at insights and revelations that are basically spiritual in nature but can be used to enrich your earthly life as well. Putti, which are the winged babies commonly and incorrectly referred to as cherubs, imply happy times ahead.

Dreaming of one of the archangels - Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel - means that you are or soon will be doing God’s work, and the usual type of angel pictured on Christmas cards implies divine protection.

A very positive symbol implying success, happiness, and rewarding friendships ahead.


Messengers of the unconscious, revealing matters and pattern to the consciousness. Pay attention to the message. Guardian angel, conscience, an answer to or messages about prayers. Great joys spiritual protection. **Angels: In the past fifteen years there have been a renewed appreciation and interest in angels. They represent goodness, protection, and the heavenly realm. As a dream symbol they may attempt to focus the dreamer’s attention on his own divine qualities and the supportive and loving aspects of life. Some say that dreaming about angels is a symbol of good luck, while others believe that you will see an angel in your dream around the time when there is a birth or death in your family, or in your close circle of friends. Angels are mystical and spiritual symbols; traditionally they have been the messengers of God.

The interpretation of your dream angel depends on your own views. Generally, the message coming up from your unconscious may be of important magnitude, so record your dream and think about all of its details and implications 


See Also: Flying. Messenger from God. In a broader sense, angels are messengers from the higher self who is guiding the dreamer. Or a woman or man we love is being placed on a pedestal.

According to Jung: Animus-figures often represent still unfinished, not yet understood, but surprisingly new intellectual gifts, power of reasoning, or character ideals.

During the night of November 10, 1619, Rene Descartes had three consecutive dreams during which the angel of truth appeared to him. On the basis of this revelation, the 23-year-old Descartes developed his philosophy. Lightning.

Opposite: clear counterimage of Devil.

Folklore: Luck in love (you are given the gift of an angel); desire for harmony and purity.



Angels are typically represented as winged beings who intervene at times of great need, or for the purpose of delivering a message of guidance or instruction from God to human beings. Therefore in dreams, angels represent your higher self-image and offer guidance from within, but they can also represent an evil being of similar powers: the fallen angle who has been led astray, or is leading other people astray. Bear in mind, too, that the dream may refer to someone in your life who is an angel because of the loving and nurturing qualities of character that they embody. One may also play the role of a fairy godmother or godfather by helping someone.


Symbol: The angel is a temporary personification of divine revelation.

Vision: In the dream of a woman, the angel represents a strong desire for harmony, emotional connection, and guidance. Seeing an angel: good luck and shows your strength of character. I lelp “from above” or escape is in sight. Seeing oneself as the angel: you will receive love and friendship. Being surrounded by angels: you will find inner peace and satisfaction.

Depth Psychology: A dream about angels always means that you are reexamining your present attitudes.

The angel, as a messenger, can lead you to new insights and be helpful in finding a new way.


See Also: Religions Imagery

1- Dreaming of angels indicates we are searching for a parental figure which gives unconditional love and support, or that we need to develop these qualities ourselves. We may be trying to introduce religious concepts into our lives.

2- The relationship with the mother or mother figure needs to be looked at as a separate entity to both her and the dreamer.

The angel is the personification of that relationship.

3- Nowadays with a greater acceptance of the appearance of angelic figures they are once again accepted as messengers of the Gods heavenly powers and enlightenment.


Nowadays, with a greater acknowledgement of the appearance of angelic figures, they are once again accepted as messengers of the gods – heavenly powers and enlightenment. Traditionally perceived as beings of light, their appearance in dreams indicates that we are seeking a spirituality and purity of being that goes beyond the mundane. In almost all religious belief angels stand as intermediaries between us and the divine. Archangels are a higher order of angels, each with their own responsibilities, and are more likely to appear if you are undertaking esoteric studies.


To dream you see an angel or angels is very good, and to dream that you yourself are one is much better. But to speak with or call upon them is of evil signification» Yet if in secret they seem to declare something unknown, and which you do not understand or know, it denotes your becoming acquainted with persons of the first quality. And to dream that you see an angel fly over you or your house, signifies joy, consolation, benediction, and good news, and shows increase of honor and authority.


Angels are major archetypal energies that were here before us. Over many thousands of years, humankind has formulated these huge energetic sensations into specific beings that appear in many religious and spiritual disciplines. These beings can appear in dreams and are evidence of a highly evolved moment in your spiritual development. Angels are also symbolic of divine intervention in process, where miraculous turns of events can occur through being guarded from a high level.


Dreams of an angel represent that assistance is yours for the asking. You are tapping into your own healing abilities, your higher guidance and the realization that you are loved, adored, and always being guided. You are seeing things from an elevated, mature and wise vantage point.

See Also: Miracle, Prophetic Dreams.


The positive side of relationship with your mother, religious concepts; sometimes feelings about death; a need for a parent figure to guide or instruct in decision making. Idi­oms: guardian angel; like an angel; on the side of the angels; fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

See Also: religion, dreams.


Psychological / emotional perspective: From a psychological perspective the angel is the personification of the relationship with mother or mother figure and needs to be looked at as a separate entity to both her and the dreamer, i.E. As though it were a living, breathing being.


1. Messenger from God-- pay attention to what they tell you and test the spirit “who are you and what do you think of Jesus?”

2. Guardian;

3. Minister; God’s Presence;

4. God’s servants; Dan. 10:11, 14; Luke 2:19-20; Ps. 91:11; Matt. 18:10; Matt. 4:11.


Gives gender-specific: Angels’ appearance in dreams – for both men and women – suggest that we need to look at concepts that are particularly spiritual in origin. Both angels and archangels are traditionally identifiable by their attributes.


Material aspects: Dreaming of angels indicates we are searching for a parental figure who gives unconditional love and support, or that we need to develop these qualities ourselves. We may be trying to introduce religious concepts into our lives.


An angel in flight, unexpected blessings. In a painting, news of a betrothal or marriage. Frequently the face of the angel is that of the dreamer’s mother, thus representing goodness and protection from harm.


Coming news that may or may not be good. It may well be that what, at first glance, appears to be good news is, on closer examination, bad news—and vice versa.


1. A sense that someone should watch over one.

2. Seeking a power to help one that is higher than human.

3. Longing to be a better person for someone else.


A purely Christian symbol of protection, divine grace, etc.

To the dreamer it augurs peace and happiness unspeakable.


1. Messenger of God; Dan. 10:11

2. Guardian; Ps. 91:11;

3. Servants of God;

4. Spirits good or bad; Ps. 104:4.


A favorable dream forecasting success, protection, happiness, and rewarding friendships.


Sent by god to comfort, bring a message, protect, guide, warn of impending danger, etc.


Messenger of God, highest ideal of spiritual self. Important dream message; listen!


To dream you see an angel is good, but to speak with or call upon them is evil.


Sources and Authors

  1. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  2. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  3. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  4. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by [Back to dream]
  5. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  6. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  7. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  8. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  9. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  10. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  11. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  12. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  13. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  14. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  15. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  16. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  17. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  18. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  19. Psycho Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  20. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  21. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  22. The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]
  23. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  24. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  25. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  26. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  27. The Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]

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A to Z Dream Interpretation