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To dream of seeing a skeleton, is prognostic of illness, misunderstanding and injury at the hands of others, especially enemies.To dream that you are a skeleton, is a sign that you...
Learn more about the meaning of SkeletonA skeleton in dreams alerts us to our attitude to the macabre. We are aware that the physical must ‘die’ or change, but that there is still a framework left.The skull in dreams...
Learn more about the meaning of Skeleton / SkullUnauthorized power to gain or prevent entrance, possession, or control...
Learn more about the meaning of Skeleton-keyTo dream of ordinary meat Bones is a sign of poverty; but if you see a human skeleton, it is a sign of property coming to you under a will....
Learn more about the meaning of Bones Ob SkeletonHiding from or being trapped by animals can suggest you are feeling controlled or threatened by your urges or the emotions or feelings of others.If the animal is watching you, your...
Learn more about the meaning of Watched, Attacked Or Chased By An AnimalIn dreams, a human bone represents strength, the structure and support within yourself, and the need to be aware of your basic instincts.If you are burying a bone, perhaps you are ...
Learn more about the meaning of Bone / Pelvis / Skeleton / Skull / SpineThe origin of dreams of being chased or attacked probably dates back to an era when humans fought off beasts or other tribal members to survive. The ‘monsters’ of today are mor...
Learn more about the meaning of Chased / AttackedGeneral MeaningA dream where you\'re attacked by an animal typically signifies a feeling of being threatened in your waking life. The type of animal attacking has particular signif...
Learn more about the meaning of Attacked By An Animal