Seeing baled material in your dream is an indication that the solution to your most pressing problem is near.
[1]Good fortune, more or less, according to whether it is cotton or wool.
[2]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
Seeing baled material in your dream is an indication that the solution to your most pressing problem is near.
[1]Good fortune, more or less, according to whether it is cotton or wool.
[2]lucky numbers: 02-15-17-36-39-51bale of: advancement toward good fortune. buying: wil overcome enemies with a superior product. selling: approaching money for al concerned. field: ...
Learn more about the meaning of Cottonlucky numbers: 07-12-17-27-41-47buying: prosperity and success. clothes: loss of a friend. lamb’s: are a very kind and easygoing person. making material from raw: wil suffer from...
Learn more about the meaning of WoolGeneral MeaningStraw bales in a dream can be symbolic of hard work, fruition of efforts, and rewards - just like farmers who gather straw bales as the fruits of their work in the f...
Learn more about the meaning of Straw Bales