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Symbol of male authority, as in Father. You are really your own boss. Or the “chief” is a symbol of your own, higher authority.The ability to self-govern. Positive interpretati...
Learn more about the meaning of Chief / BossVision: Dreaming about your boss: expect something unpleasant in the near future. Having an argument with your boss: problems at work; you feel insecure and afraid you are going t...
Learn more about the meaning of Boss, ChiefAccording to Jung, the figures of Adam and Eve play a positive role in the unconscious mind as they are symbols of the ’self affirming ego’. Together they are seen as the sourc...
Learn more about the meaning of Biblical FigureIf you’re already in a management role and you dream about this, then it’s a sign you need to step up a gear and take the lead. You’re being called to action! If you aren’t...
Learn more about the meaning of Being The BossGeneral MeaningIn most cultures, including Biblical tradition, dreaming about a baby usually represents innocence, new beginnings, renewal, or birth. It symbolizes purity and untai...
Learn more about the meaning of What Is The Biblical Meaning Of A Baby In A Dream?