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Car Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 31 Unique Sources About Car

car image Car - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

Car Dream Symbolism: Persona, Control, and Ambition

Dreaming of cars often symbolizes the image or persona you are projecting to the world. It can reflect aspects of your self-image, whether sleek and powerful or practical and efficient. When cars appear in your dreams, it’s important to consider your personal connection to that car. If you wouldn't typically imagine yourself owning such a car, ask yourself why your subconscious chose it. This choice can reveal a lot about your character, self-perception, and ambitions.

Driving as a Reflection of Control

Your ability to drive in the dream signifies your level of control in life. If you're a confident driver, this indicates you feel in control of your life. However, if you drive poorly, your subconscious may be warning you of mistakes you're making, possibly leading to an emotional "crash."

Back-Seat Drivers and Control Issues

Dreaming of a back-seat driver may indicate someone trying to influence your life. If someone else is driving, it could suggest you feel that person is controlling or influencing your decisions. Consider the people you are driving as they may represent your sense of responsibility towards them. If you're not driving, ask yourself if you are content with letting someone else steer the course of your life.

Symbolism of Car Parts

If a car symbolizes your persona, then the steering wheel represents your conscious mind, and the engine and fuel symbolize your inner power and energy. If the journey was smooth, this suggests stamina and energy, or in Freudian terms, progress in self-understanding. A bumpy road may indicate unconscious anxieties.

  • Running out of fuel: Feeling depleted physically, emotionally, or financially.
  • Speeding or speeding fines: Living life too fast; a call to slow down.
  • Tire punctures: Feelings of deflation or exhaustion.
  • Brake failure: Fear of losing control.
  • Pedals not working: Need for more energy or motivation in waking life.
  • Car wheels: A call to action and forward momentum in life.
  • Seatbelts: Desire for safety and caution.
  • Headlights: Whether your awareness is turned "on" or "off."
  • Car mirrors: Reflecting on the past and how it affects your future.

Taxi and Other Car Dreams

Taking a taxi in your dream suggests you're willing to take a passive role, letting others drive your life. If you're driving the taxi, it implies you're willing to guide others. Dreams of drunk driving or driving without a license suggest a lack of control or feelings of inadequacy. Being overtaken suggests feeling left behind, while overtaking others reflects a sense of progress.

Traffic and Reversing

  • Reversing: A sense of moving backward or not progressing in life.
  • Running over someone: Killing or suppressing a part of yourself.
  • Towed car: Anxiety about dependence or feeling needy.
  • Traffic jams: Reflects frustrations in life due to external obstacles or societal pressures.

See Also: Car Crash, Car Journey, Steering Wheel, Engine, Gas Tank.


Car Dream Meanings: Navigating Life's Journey

To dream that you are driving a car symbolizes your ambition and ability to navigate through different stages of your life. The smoothness or roughness of the car ride reflects how easy or difficult your path will be toward your goals. Whether you are driving or a passenger also plays a key role—driving represents taking an active role in your life, while being a passenger may indicate a passive approach.

Passenger vs. Driver:

If you are a passenger in the car, it could mean your knowledge will bring you good fortune, especially if the car is luxurious. However, being in the backseat suggests that you are letting others dictate your actions, possibly due to low self-confidence.

Conflict and Danger:

Dreaming of almost being hit by a car suggests a conflict between your lifestyle, beliefs, or goals and someone else’s. If the car hits you, it signifies a serious conflict with a rival whom you should try to avoid.

Car Breakdown:

To dream of a car breaking down implies that something in your life may not bring as much satisfaction or pleasure as you had hoped.

New Beginnings and Success:

Dreaming of buying or driving a brand-new car symbolizes that your happiness is on the rise, and you are becoming more adept at dealing with new challenges.

Flying Cars and Personal Growth:

If you dream of a flying car, it means you will overcome current troubles and achieve your goals. Similarly, a car going in reverse suggests feeling stuck or repeating old mistakes.

Brake Failure and Loss of Control:

Dreaming that your brakes have failed indicates instability or lack of control in your life. Be cautious about any agreements you enter into at this time.

Identity and Crisis:

If your car is stolen in the dream, it may reflect an identity crisis or loss in your life. You might feel that someone has stolen your success or taken credit for your accomplishments.

Fear of Failure:

Jumping out of a moving car may symbolize your fear of not being able to complete a task or the instinct to leave a situation or relationship that is leading you in the wrong direction.

Symbolism of Car Types:

  • Convertible: Represents your glamorous attitude, showing off your power and influence.
  • Rental Car: A positive sign indicating that you are trying out new approaches to solving life’s problems rather than sticking to old habits.

See Also: Car Crash, Car Wash, Car Mechanic, Chauffeur, Driving, Driving Lessons, Headlights, License Plate, Parking Lot, Road Trip, Window Wipers.


General Meaning: A representation of your ministry.

Positive: Cars are by far the most common vehicle seen in dreams. In an internal dream, you might dream of an old car you once owned, or even of a car you desire to own.

• A car from the past could represent the circumstances surrounding that time of your life. It could also refer to the old ministry functions’ that you flowed in during that time of your life.

• I remember a lady who shared once how she dreamed that she was trying to drive the car she had when she first got saved.

The car was old and broken, but she was being pressured into driving it.

• The interpretation was clear. She was being pressured to function in a ministry and spiritual capacity she had functioned in, in the past. But she had moved on since then and it was no longer appropriate. It was time for her to move on.

• Dreaming of cars is common. You might dream that you receive a fast sports or racing car.

• This means that the Lord is going to lead you into a different type of ministry that has a bigger realm of influence. It also indicates that this will be a fast move for you.

• If you dream that someone else is driving your car, depending on the character driving your car, the interpretation could vary.

• Your father or husband driving your car could mean that the Lord Jesus is in control of your ministry (depending on your relationship with your father or husband). This would have a good connotation.

• Driving the car yourself could be good. It speaks of being in control and going in the right direction.

Negative: Someone driving your car that represents the flesh, pride or the world system would have a negative connotation. This would mean that something other than the Lord is in control of your ministry and spiritual life! • Different cars in your dream could represent different ministries.

• Having your car stolen, taken over or stopped, speaks of your ministry being taken from you. This does not have a good connotation.

• Now that you have a general idea, allow the Holy Spirit to define your dream or vision for you.

See Also: Vehicles.


1. Church or personal ministry;

2. Your walk of life;

• If you are in the backseat of the car

- Then it indicates that you are putting yourself down and are allowing others to take over; 2 Kings 10:16; Eph. 4:8, 11; Eph. 3:6-7.

• Being in the front of a car

- Means that you can take the responsibility upfront;

• Dreaming your car has been stolen

- Indicates that you are being stripped of your identity/ or it can be your fears I had this dream for many years until I discovered This was my fear. Robbed by the devil; John 10:10.

• Dreaming your car is overheating

- Can be a dispute, watch out for an anger burst out.

• Driving backwards

- Indicates you are doing things backwards.

• Driving backwards but in the right direction

- You are doing the right thing but going about it the wrong way.

• Going the wrong way up a one way street

- You are heading in the wrong direction.

• Police in your rear view mirror

- Check yourself, are you disobeying the law?

• Being pulled over by a traffic cop

You need to stop, do a self-check

• Stopping when you see police pulling other people over to make sure they aren’t trying to stop you

- Quarrel. In this case the police let you go - you are doing fine.

• Facing and looking out the back window

- Looking into your past, people from the past.

• Driving from the back seat

- Feeling of having very little control or unsafe situations.

• Someone else driving your car

- Someone else controlling your life

• Driving someone else’s car

- Controlling their life.

• Following another car

- Being together, submitting, being a follower.

• Sitting in the passenger seat

- Passivity, is the person being helpful or not?

• Sitting in the back seat looking forward

- Being driven, who is driving you? Your boss?

• Getting a bigger car

- Increase in your life, job, responsibilities.


Universal Landscape: Traveling the path through life.

Dreaming Lens: What was the condition of the car in the dream? Was it drivable? Were you able to drive it? Were you in control or out of control? Were you in the driver’s seat? Was someone else in control of the car’s destination? Was it a car from your own life? Was it a fantasy car for you?

Personal Focus: Since we rely so much on our automobiles to get where we’re going, a car represents the connection we have to our path through life. Its speed, working status, style, and so forth, represent our feelings about our movement on that path. Any time you dream of a car, your unconscious is expressing thoughts and feelings about where your life is going at that moment. The best interpretation will combine this basic definition with shades of meaning based on the Dreaming Lens.

For example, an old car may point to an old way of maneuvering whereas a new car may indicate you are moving through life in a new way. A car from your past indicates that part of your history is under investigation. A fantasy car may mean the path you wish you were on. Driving someone else’s car might indicate a path that has been abandoned for the sake of another’s wishes, or even another’s path that you wish to emulate. A parent’s car could indicate the path taken by virtue of the wishes of the parents. A dirty car might indicate something that needs to be cleaned up. A crashed car could be calling you to examine the choices you are making on your path through life—are you paying attention to the danger signals?

The color of the car might have significance as well. A blue car may indicate your path toward more effective communication. A red car could point to issues of security or aggression (See Also: Colors). People have every different relationships with their cars, so your Personal Focus in this area should be considered when making your interpretation.


(See Also: Airplane, Horse, Spaceship)

If you are behind the wheel of the car, this shows self-control and the ability to steer your own fate.

If someone else is steering, and you’re in the passenger seat, consider if you allow other people to manipulate your decisions too much. Alternatively, there may be parts of yourself over which you have little mastery.

Travel, movement, and activity, as common to many vehicle emblems (See Also: Highway).

A literal reflection of your current driving habits.

Parked: Halted momentum, or temporary waylay of plans, usually of your own making, whereas a traffic jam indicates external forces stopping your progress.

Your body’s condition: According to Edgar Cayce, each part of the car may correspond to a body part.

For example, wheels are legs, and therefore a flat tire may indicate regional circulation problems. Note that this is also true of buildings and other vehicles (windows = eyes, paint = skin, roof = hair or head, engine = heart or emotions, etc.). In this case, seeing a mechanic in your dream might be a gentle nudge to go to a doctor.

Speeding: Reacting quickly without real thought. Slow down, then decide the best avenue for approaching this situation.

Slow moving vehicles: The propensity for procrastination or delaying the inevitable.

Driving a standard in your dream shows how well you handle the constant changes that life hands you. Consider whether the gears grind or if the clutch sticks.

If so, get out some elbow grease and work on being more flexible and prepared.

Missing your ride indicates a failed attempt to forward current prospects. It may be necessary to wait a while before trying again (See Also: Bus).


Our motivating drives—sex drive, ambition, sense of failure, whatever is driving us in life; desire to get somewhere’ in life; independence; feelings about the particular car in dream.

If dreamer driving: being independent; self confi­dence; being responsible for one’s own life direction. With one other person: relationship with that person. Alone in ve­hicle: independence; making decisions alone; feeling alone. Crashing vehicle: self-desired failure, perhaps to avoid stress of responsibility and change; fear of failure; failure in relation­ship; argument—you may be on collision course with boss or panner, occasionally psychological breakdown threatened. Another driver: being passive; being influenced by the opin­ions or emotions of someone else, or one’s own secondary characteristics, i.e. anxiety or emotional pain may lead us to make many decisions and so may be the dnving force in our life, rather than what might be more satisfying. Driving care­lessly: lack of responsibility, socially or sexually, need for more awareness. Reversing: sense of not getting anywhere; feeling that one is slipping backward; reversing a decision; change of direction. Overtaking: getting ahead. Overtaken: feeling of being left behind or not competing. Car body: dreamer’s body. Car torn apart, dismantled: stress; failure to care for one’s body; self destructive attitudes. Fuel: feeling drives, motivation; whatever has ‘fuelled one’s drive’. Old car, scrapped car: sense of old age, feelings about death. Car en­gine: energy; heart; central drive. Running over someone: killing’ some part of self through misplaced drive or ambi­tion; aggression.


See Also: Journey

1- The car is very often representative of our own personal space, an extension of our being.

To dream of being in a car usually alerts us to our own motivation, thus driving the car can indicate our need to achieve a goal, while being a passenger could indicate that we have handed over responsibility for our lives to someone else.

2- Dream scenarios involving cars are often more to do with what we are doing to ourselves on a psychological or emotional level. Being alone in a vehicle indicates independence, while dreaming of the brakes of a car shows one’s ability to be in control of a situation.

The car engine indicates the essential drives with which we have to deal.

A crashing vehicle suggests fear of failure in life, while a car on fire denotes stress of some sort, either physically or emotionally.

To be in a car which is driven carelessly, either by the dreamer or someone else, marks a lack of responsibility, while a feeling of being left behind would be shown by your car being overtaken.

To dream of reversing a car registers a feeling that one is slipping backwards or having to reverse a decision.

3- A car stands for spiritual direction and motivation.


The car in your dream may symbolize the physical self or ego development and ego function. In that, it represents the way that you travel through your life’s journey. Consider all of the details in the dream, including its emotional content (e.g. difficulty of the road, identity of the driver, direction of the incline). Recurring car dreams usually deal with life’s major themes that may include issues of control and sensibility. By carefully examining this dream, you may gain insight into important areas of life, including to how well you are navigating from one stage of your life to another, if you are assertive and take charge or are passive. Dreaming about traveling in a car is a very, very common dream theme that provides valuable information in regard to a specific part of or long-standing theme in your life’s journey.

See Also: Journey, Road.

(AUTO) ENGINE, OIL-The engine is to the car as the heart is to the human body.The oil is to the car as the blood is to the human body. 


(Automobile; Carriage; Carrier; Coach; Lift, Litter, Transport, Vehicle, Wheels) In a dream, a car represents someone who properly manages his life, for a car is made from many well coordinated parts, and carriesmany things and transports them from one location to another.

If one sees himself riding a litter that is carried by people in a dream, it means that he will preside over people or beget a son who will be elevated in rank.

If a traveller sees a car in his dream, it means that his trip will take a slow turn and he will be delayed.

A car in a dream also signifies dignity, honor, advancement and attainment.

If one sees himselfholding to a car or running after it in a dream, it means that he will lobby someone in authority and profit from him as much as his nearness to such a car. Ifone sees himself riding on a cargo vehicle in a dream, it means suffering from distress and sorrow.

(See Also: Carrier, Racing)


A dream of a car represents your body and your identity.

If the car is in good shape, then this dream is a reflection of your -care.

If the car is in need of repair, then so are you.

If your car is being worked on, then this suggests that you are undergoing a transformational overhaul. Dreams of being in a car represent that you are being carried from one place of consciousness to another.

If you are driving, then this symbolizes that you feel in control.

If you are a passenger, then this dream may be telling you that you have abdicated responsibility and are in a state of passivity or surrender. Consider whether or not you like where you are being driven, how you feel about what you are being driven in, and how you are being driven.


Driving it represents taking the initiative, giving a new direction to your life.

If someone else drives it you likely tend to let third parties lead you. The car also symbolizes the human body (like the CARRIAGE), so you can draw a parallel between the condition of both: a car in poor condition is a warning that you must take care of your health. The way of driving it is also the way you control yourself: if you do not drive it carefully or you suffer an accident the dream warns you about your mistakes. According to Freud, the car represented evolution of psychoanalysis.

Formerly, it was said that driving a vehicle in a dream predicted changes at home or in business.

If the vehicle breaks down, a friend will give you troubling news.


We move around in our lives through our cars, and your dream that involves a car is illuminating something about the journey of your life as it relates to how you are navigating your life, your choices, and your sense of creating your own destiny.

If your car is crashed or broken, you may be feeling like the circumstances in your life have stopped you from moving forward, maybe very abruptly. To have lost your car is to be feeling confused about where to go next.

The color of a car in a dream may offer some deeper meaning.

A car moving too fast or too slow for your comfort level may be indicating a desire to have more control than you actually have.


(1) A car in a dream usually represents yourself and, in particular, your effectiveness in controlling your life, attaining your goals, etc.

If you are driving the car, this may symbolize taking charge of your own life. (Remember that a dream may be either depicting patterns of behaviour that already exist or recommending to you a new pattern.) If someone else is driving, the dream may be expressing your over-dependence on others.

(2) A car may be a sexual symbol, representing the penis - especially if forceful motion is emphasized in the dream, or if the car is travelling through a tunnel.

See Also: Crash.


A boxcar on a train, a car in an amusement park ride, a lift car on a ski tram, or an elevator car may symbolize the self, and many car dreams denote self-control issues. Taking charge of one’s life would be indicated if one were “in the driver’s seat.”

Allowing one’s life to be driven by others might be indicated by a “backseat driver” or by “taking the backseat.” The dreamer may be being driven to new heights before he or she is ready. Or perhaps the dreamer is finally lifting himself or herself out of a rut.

The emotional feeling about the car determines the meaning. (See Also: Vehicles.)


A car in a dream represents the most popular means by which we move forward in life toward our goals, desires, and desidentification. They reflect how the world may view you, or they may be an indication of how you view yourself in the world.

An automobile may also represent the physical body. Thus, car problems in your dreams may reflect difficulties you face in moving forward or breakdowns in how your body functions.

The different colors, makes, and models of cars may be seen as expressions of the qualities of your character.

(See Also: Truck, Vehicle.)


You in daily physical life. The larger the vehicle the more potential you are using to manifest what you want.

If going up hill, you are going the right way. Down hill is the wrong direction. Both up and down, you are not in control and your energy is scattered.

If you are not in the driver’s seat, who are you letting drive your car? Get behind the wheel and take charge of your life and its direction. Note the color of the vehicle and how many people, if any, are with you.

See Also: Number, Color.


1. Ambition.

2. Sexuality.

3. If in the backseat, one’s life is out of control.

4. If in the front (passenger seat), one is retreating into the safety of the womb.

5. If car is parked, represents some de­ceased person.

6. Personal mobility (either driving too fast, not fast enough or just right).

7. An extension of self.

8. Status.

9. Ambition.

10. Sexual self-image.


See Also: Dream Dictionary: Journey

A car represents an individual’s journey.

The destination can often be symbolic of some form of goal.

If the dreamer is steering the vehicle it is inferred the individual is in control. Should the dreamer be a passenger it may infer that he / she is too willing to give up power and allowing others to take responsibility for them in life.


Material aspects: To dream of being in a car usually alerts us to our own motivation, thus driving the car can indicate our need to achieve a goal, while being a passenger could indicate that we have handed over responsibility for our lives to someone else.


Cars can be symbolic of a Christian ministry.

If the person is not a Christian a car symbolizes the way a person lives their life.

A car with body damage is indicative of a person who has a careless lifestyle


If you dream of a railroad car, or a cable car your dreams of being rich will always be dreams, but your income should be adequate for your lifestyle.

See Also: automobile.


You can forget about great luxury, but modest comfort will surely be yours if your dream featured a railroad or cable car.

See Also: Automobile, Carriage, Cart.


Motion, movement away from one thing and towards another.

Speed, acceleration.

Freedom. Astrological parallel: Sagittarius Tarot parallel: The Chariot


The car is very often representative of our own personal space, an extension of our being. It also stands for spiritual direction and motivation.


Manner in which you take your chosen path in life.


See Also: Transportation metaphors


See “automobile”


Sources and Authors

  1. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  2. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  3. The Way of Dreams and Visions by [Back to dream]
  4. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  5. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by [Back to dream]
  6. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  7. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  8. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  9. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  10. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  11. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  12. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  13. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  14. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  15. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  16. Ariadne's Book of Dream by [Back to dream]
  17. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  18. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Meanings and Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  20. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  21. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  22. Encyclopedia of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  23. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  24. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by [Back to dream]
  25. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  26. Expansions Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  27. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  28. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]

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1. Urges for a family, to have a baby.2. A need or desire to care for the child within. ...

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Feeling that in a romantic relationship he/she is the caretaker. ...

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1. Forward-moving attitudes and “drive.” 2. Rivalry and competition.3. Possible health issues related to lifestyle, a need to slow down. ...

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1. If driving, one is immature.2. Trying to be “cool.” ...

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One should focus on ridding oneself of certain serious problems, emotional or relational. ...

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1. Omnipotence.2. Desire to return to childhood.3. In need of relief from stresses of life. ...

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1. One expects to be surprised.2. If sending the card to someone, the dreamer has high regard for that person.3. If receiving a card, the sender is expressing his/her regard. ...

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Making carbon copies of something is an indication that someone close to you is being dualistic and is deceiving you....

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1- To be aware of carrying an object suggests we need to look at what is being accepted as a burden or difficulty.If we dream of being carried, we may feci that we are in need of s...

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Driving in a rental car may represent a newly adopted self-image or status symbol you are trying on for size.For example, renting a Dodge Neon may suggest that you may want to stan...

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Discovenng that your car has been stolen may signify having your identity taken from you. perhaps by an event such as losing your job....

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To dream of caramel suggests there is a situation in your life that is not pleasing you to such a degree that it feels as though your joy is being sucked away. This may be a person...

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A dream of a carburetor is about an aggressive and explosive aspect of your personality that is kicking in because you need to accomplish something quickly. This dream could be sug...

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Dreams of a grocery cart reflect that you are receiving assistance in accumulating what you need to survive. You are acquiring sustenance, nurturing and support.If the cart is empt...

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Dreaming of a cable car symbolizes your stamina and strength.If the ride was smooth and pleasant, you have the durability to succeed in your goals.If the cable was frayed or broken...

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Energy coming into brain for alters....

Learn more about the meaning of Red Carpet

The significance varies according to the color and the action.If you were just aware of the flowers you will have an unusual social success.If your dream involved gathering the blo...

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If you are betting your money on cards, it means you want to rely on chance to solve your problems. The unconscious is warning you of this error and invites you to discard the poss...

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1. Door to the heart;2. Fuelling the heart/ministry.Prov. 4:23;...

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To dream of a baby carriage, denotes that you will have a congenial friend who will devise many pleasurable surprises for you. ...

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Endearing, beloved woman, full of grace...

Learn more about the meaning of Carla

Caring, beloved lady of nobility, god’s gift of grace and wisdom...

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Speaking forth joyful commendations...

Learn more about the meaning of Caroling

Diligent, loyal, faithful spirit...

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A notice of significance, not necessarily postal...

Learn more about the meaning of Post Card

Seize the day; focus on one’s life. ...

Learn more about the meaning of Carpe Diem

1. Successful projects are underway.2. A desire to make things work well, “smooth” out difficulties, remove obstacles. ...

Learn more about the meaning of Plane (tool, Carpenter’s)

1. Emotional well-being.2. Hard work is just ahead. ...

Learn more about the meaning of Tire (car)

(Herb) In a dream, caraway represents a profitable investment....

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(Teasing bow) In a dream, a teasing bow for carding cotton represents a disgraceful and a repulsive woman.The string or spike of a carder represents her groaning husband. Holding a...

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(Concern, Conscious, Watchful) Being too careful about something that does not call for extraordinary concern in a dream means hypocrisy, straying from the truth or forgetting the...

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(Abode; Bad, Dwellings, Desire, Ego, Good)...

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(arb. ‘Aqiq. A variety of chalcedony; Crystalline mineral, Gem, Jewelry, Precious stone, Stone) Seeing a Carnelian-red stone in a dream means dispelling poverty. At the beginn...

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(Carob beans) In a dream, carob beans means debilitation or death of a sick person, whether he eats it in his dream or not. In general, carob in a dream means destruction and perdi...

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A carpet or mat symbolises the material things of this world and person’s age....

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(Architect, Engineer, Graphic artist) A carpet weaver in a dream represents a marriage officiant.(Also see Architect, Artist, Carpet)...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation