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Colors Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 14 Unique Sources About Colors

colors image Colors - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

The Universal Significance of Colors in Dreams

Colors in dreams are often a powerful symbol of creative, energetic, and spiritual expression. When dreaming in color, the intensity and vibrancy of the hues can communicate deeper messages from the unconscious. The symbolism of each color connects to our emotions, experiences, and the natural world.

Red: Security and Passion

Red is associated with security, grounding, and passion. Located at the base of the spine, red corresponds to survival instincts and is linked to the masculine energy of aggression and sexual expression. It is also connected to life force, as blood is essential to our physical existence. In dreams, red may signify danger, passion, or a need for grounding.

Orange: Creativity and Transformation

Orange symbolizes creativity and sexuality, particularly in connection with the feminine principle of intimacy and emotional transformation. It is linked to the lower belly in both men and women. Dreams featuring the color orange may indicate a need for creative expression or emotional healing.

Yellow: Emotions and Self-Worth

Yellow represents emotions and is centered in the solar plexus. It is associated with feelings, gut instincts, and self-worth. In dreams, yellow often signals caution or heightened emotional awareness. The color is connected to the adrenal glands and the body's fight-or-flight response, as well as the warmth and comfort of sunlight.

Green: Love and Healing

Green is the color of the heart chakra, symbolizing love, healing, and balance. Though commonly associated with envy in Western culture, green primarily represents the Earth’s nurturing energy. In dreams, green may reflect emotional growth, healing, or the need to move forward with heart-centered decisions.

Blue: Communication and Expression

Blue is linked to communication and the throat chakra. It is associated with expressing oneself clearly, whether through words or actions. In dreams, blue may indicate the need for better communication or self-expression. It is also connected to peace, calmness, and clarity.

Indigo: Intuition and Inner Vision

Indigo represents intuition and the third eye, which is linked to inner vision and spiritual awareness. This color is often associated with deep introspection and the ability to trust one's instincts. In dreams, indigo can signify a connection to higher wisdom or hidden knowledge.

Violet: Spirituality and Higher Consciousness

Violet is the color of the crown chakra and is associated with spirituality, wisdom, and enlightenment. It transcends physical limitations and connects to higher realms of energy. Dreams featuring violet often reflect spiritual growth or deep meditative states.

Black: Mystery and the Unknown

Black, often viewed as the absence of color, symbolizes mystery, death, and the unknown. It absorbs all light, making it a powerful symbol of mourning and the hidden aspects of life. In dreams, black may represent secrecy, fear, or transformation.

White: Purity and Wholeness

White represents purity, wholeness, and spiritual perfection. It reflects light and symbolizes the unification of all colors. Dreams featuring white often point to new beginnings, innocence, or a connection to higher consciousness.


Colors in dreams carry significant meaning and often reflect our emotional, physical, and spiritual states. Understanding the symbolism of colors can provide valuable insights into the messages your dreams are conveying. Pay attention to the specific colors in your dreams and how they relate to your waking life and inner experiences.

See Also: Chakras, Light, Emotion


The Importance of Color in Dreams

Your dreams may be filled with vibrant colors, but often upon waking, your conscious mind may forget these hues. This is one reason why some people believe they only dream in black and white. While a few individuals do dream in monochrome, most people also dream in color, though they may not always remember the details.

If you are someone who appreciates colors in your waking life, you are more likely to notice and recall them in your dreams. However, many of us view color as secondary to the main action in our dreams, which can lead to neglecting its importance. By focusing more on the colors in your dreams, you may uncover richer and more insightful interpretations.

The Symbolism of Color in Dreams

Colors in dreams can hold profound symbolic meaning. For example, if you dream of a green statue crashing to the floor, this could suggest that jealousy, often symbolized by the color green, might lead to personal unhappiness if left unchecked. Incorporating color symbolism into dream analysis can offer a deeper understanding of what your unconscious mind is trying to communicate.

Each color possesses its own unique vibratory frequency, affecting not only the mood of the dream but also your thoughts and behavior. Psychologists often use color in emotional intelligence tests due to its significant impact on our emotions. Similarly, colors in your dreams can reveal insights into your emotional state and mental well-being.

Personal Associations with Colors

While many colors have universal or archetypal meanings, your personal associations with certain colors also play a crucial role in dream interpretation. Ask yourself: does this color remind you of a particular person, object, or memory? For instance, red may remind you of a childhood bicycle, or perhaps a special gift of red roses from a loved one. Such personal connections can deeply influence the meaning of colors in your dreams.

Archetypal Color Meanings

Certain colors evoke universal emotions, and the psychological theories of Carl Jung are often helpful in analyzing dream colors. However, your own life experiences may give a color a deeper or more specific meaning than Jung’s archetypes. Consider what feelings or thoughts arise when you see certain colors. What does red symbolize for you? Passion, danger, or perhaps excitement? Does blue evoke calmness or melancholy?

Dream colors may highlight positive or negative forces in your life. To fully interpret their meaning, consider where the colors appear. Is the color on an animal, a tree, a bird, or a person? By understanding both universal and personal associations with colors, you can gain more clarity in your dream interpretations.

Trust Your Instincts

Ultimately, when interpreting the meaning of colors in your dreams, trust your gut feelings and instincts. Your subconscious mind uses colors to convey emotions, warnings, or messages, and often your first reaction will provide the most meaningful clue to the dream’s significance. Reflect on the color, its context in the dream, and its connection to your life experiences.

See Also: Color Symbolism, Dream Interpretation, Emotional States


The Symbolism of Colors in Dreams: Emotions, Spirituality, and Life Events

(Black; Blond; Bluish-black; Green; Maroon; Purple; Red; Reddish-brown; White; Yellow)


The color black in a dream can symbolize prosperity, happiness, or sickness. Black-colored eyes often represent a religious person. A black flag can symbolize a man of knowledge, while a black cloud represents a just judge.


The color blond in a dream may represent war, sickness, piety, honor, or a religious person. It can also symbolize contempt, vileness, meanness, or depravity.


Bluish-black eyes in a dream connote opposition to one’s religion, and blue eyes can indicate religious innovations. The color blue in general represents distress, depression, enmity, or calamity.


Green in a dream often symbolizes a good harvest, prosperity, youth, or fear of wrongdoing. Green eyes in a dream may indicate a religion that is different from all others. Unknown white or green tents in a camp represent the graves of martyrs. A green flag represents a journey by land.


Red symbolizes joy, celebration, spirituality, or dominion. It also represents worldly gains. The color maroon or reddish-brown signifies dignity, nobility, power, or it could represent a wealthy woman.


Purple in a dream represents brilliance, skill, and beauty. It may also symbolize fragrance, instability, sickness, love, and harmony.


White symbolizes beauty and can also represent elderly people. White clouds in a dream symbolize blessed, noble, and true justice. A white flag in a dream represents jealousy, and a white thread symbolizes the dawn.


The color yellow in a dream represents strain, sickness, repentance, a son, or chivalry. A yellow flag symbolizes an epidemic disease.

See Also: Flag, Garment.


Colors that appear in dreams express your inner impulses and that is why they complement the meaning. Psychologists often conduct a test of colors on their patients in order to determine their emotional status. An expert in feng shui also makes sure to have, at home, the color that attracts good fortune. However, depending on each individual the interpretation of each color varies, because every person has particular chromatic associations. The basic colors are YELLOW, BLUE, and RED. All other colors are the result of the combination of these three. Every color, as discussed below, has its own duality. Depending on the situation of the dreamer, the meaning is either. Red is the color of vital force, it represents passion and sexuality, but can also denote fury and blood. Orange is the refinement of passions, and is often associated with balance and healing. Yellow is associated with artistic inspiration, but there are cases in which it symbolizes cowardice. Green is the color of nature that brings hope and new life, although sometimes it expresses jealousy and envy. Blue is all the spiritual matters, it implies harmony and (like the sky) liberty; however, sometimes, it represents sadness. Purple is the color of royalty and spiritual knowledge. Black denotes depression and unconsciousness. Finally, white symbolizes purity.

For a medium, every living thing has an aura (an energy field around the body) of a particular color. In this sense, the oneiric meaning of colors is related to the spiritual value they are traditionally associated. So, red is sensuality; orange, purity; yellow, inspiration; green, recovery; blue, healing; purple, clairvoyance; black, disease; brown, stability; and white spirituality.


You can expect in- creasing security and suc- cess in all your affairs if you dreamed of a mixture of bright colors. Individu- ally, or if one color stood out in your dream, the significance is as follows: Blue indicates liberation from worry and/or help from outside sources; Black is an unfavorable omen unless it featured in a funeral or other appropri- ate situation, in which case it forecasts difficulties to be overcome; Brown means money luck; bright Red is a warning to curb your temper; deep Red fore- casts unexpected good news; Green pertains to travel or news from a distance; Gray indicates a period of “marking time”; Lavender or Mauve foretells minor disappointment or transitory unhappiness; Orange suggests that an expected change in your situation will be delayed; Pink predicts unusually great success; Purple is a forerunner to happy social affairs; Yellow forecasts setbacks and struggles before improvement can be achieved; White is a certain promise of success in all that concerns you.

Dreams involving people of a color other than your own are generally lucky omens pertaining to money and/or business, unless the people were some exotic shade like green or blue, in which case the dream probably had a digestive origin and no significance.


Most people dream in colors, but at times some stand out more than others. Colors are symbolic and their symbolism is part of culture. We communicate with color and relate ideas with them.

For example, a bride wears white and black is worn at funerals. Colors also represent energy.

The meaning that you give to the colors in your dreams depends on the meaning that you give to those colors in daily life.

If you “see red” when you are angry, then red symbolizes anger and not passion for you. Some generalizations have been made as to the meaning of colors in dreams. They are as follows. Black: depression, sadness, despair. Some believe it symbolizes hidden sexual desires. Blue: spirituality, optimism, positive thoughts, communication. Some believe that when you see it in your dreams, you may be in the presence of your spiritual guide. Green: money, jealousy, health concerns, love. Red: passion, sexuality, anger, warning. White: purity, transformation, cleanliness, dignity.

See Also: Pink, Yellow, Brown, Purple, Orange


Vision: Seeing bright colors (particularly in women’s dreams): emotions are churning. Colorful dreams are a promise of long life. Painting an object in bright colors: you are not quite honest with a friend. Coloring your face: others think your actions are foolish. Coloring a wagon: expect a surprise—pay attention to the colors (See Also: the chapter on“Colors in Dreams”). Buying paint: you want more diversion in your life. Preparing the colors for a watercolor painting: you are facing an uncertain situation. Using oil paint: your life is going in the right direction.

Depth Psychology: The meaning of different colors in dreams is discussed in the chapter on “Colors in Dreams.” Colors are an indication of mental attitude, inner voice, and depth of emotion.


Blue: Gypsies associate the color blue with the sky; dark blue with the night sky. They say that to have that color especially prominent in a dream indicates a desire to get out into the open, to get away Perhaps a need for a vacation.

Brown: The color of the earth.

A need to get down to your roots, or to the basics of your problems.

Green: The color of grass. When green is prominent in your dreams, it indicates growth and abundance.

Orange: The color for life and new beginnings (perhaps tied in with the sunrise).

Purple: A color of richness and luxury.

Red: The universal color for danger and excitement.

Yellow: Many Gypsy vardos are painted yellow. It’s a color for happiness, and for love and family togetherness.


It is good luck to dream of many bright colors.

The significance of each of the colors, arranged in the order of their luckiness, is as follows: Red: a long and vigorous life. Blue: peaceful and harmonious family relationships. Green; ability to make money. White: distinction in the community in which you live. Orange: you will own your own home. Purple; sufficient money for your needs. Yellow: jealousy will be shown toward you, Brown; accusations of dishonesty. Black: bad luck generally.

The shades and variations of colors have a bearing on their significance; the brighter they are, the more propitious.


Dreaming in color is often viewed as a particular phenomenon that sets a dream apart from others you have. There is an implication here that if a memorable dream is thought of as being vibrantly filled with color, other dreams must be in black and white by comparison. However, all dreams are likely to be experienced with various intensities of color, and the memory of vibrant color is just one more way the unconscious is speaking to you. Light is experienced as white, but if it is refracted into separate wavelengths, the naked eye can perceive the seven distinct bands of color that make it up.


Many colors in a dream may depict energy, as colors are vibrations of light.

A single color seen in a dream can be interpreted only in the context of the dreamers relationship with that color. For example, the color red may be experienced as love, romance, and sex. For someone else, or in another dream, the color red may denote blood, death, and destruction. Black may mean evil, witches, and black cats, or sophistication and elegance.


Colors express qualities and attnbutes that may indicate your mood in a dream. Colors may add more detail to the attitudes and beliefs that are expressed in a dream. Thus, a woman an orange T-shirt may be expressing a bold attitude. Whether it is the color of the clothing someone is wearing or the color of an object, each hue may reveal more specific information about the subject.

(See Also: individual color entries.)


To dream of colors represent feelings, enthusiasm, and verve. Determine the significance of the color and what aspects of your life this may represent.

To dream in color and then dream in black-and-white indicates that you are changing your outlook on about a situation or issue. You are starting to look at a situation from a more impartial position rather than making decisions from your heart.


Each color has a specific meaning that is important and should always be researched accordingly


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A to Z Dream Interpretation