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Deer Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 28 Unique Sources About Deer

deer image Deer - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

As like with most other animals, the deer in your dream may represent some aspect of your intuition or it may be a message from your unconscious. In some parts of Asia, deer are considered to be conductors of soul and thus the robes of shamans are usually made out of deerskin.

The Indians of North and South America also gave deer a spiritually important role. They believed that the souls of men passed into deer at the time of death. They also believed that a dying deer was a negative omen, which usually represented droughts that in turn foretold of very difficult times ahead. In the modern world, we generally see deer as gentle forest animals. Deer are characters in children’s stories and Santa Clause uses them to bring gifts to all. Thus, the deer in your dream may be a symbol of gentle and helpful parts of your psyche. In order to understand the message of the dream, think about what situation in your life would benefit from gentleness and soul fullness?


Deer come to deliver the attributes of gentleness, sensitivity, and innocence.

A deer is sensitive to every rustle in the lorest, and a deer in a dream may indicate a need to develop keen sensitivity to your environment or life through shifting from thinking to awareness.

The presence of a deer may mean you need to develop a more gentle approach to life or toward your relationships with others.

The buck with its branched antlers comes as a powerful expression of masculine strength. He wears the crown of the king and symbolically has associations with Christ.

The young buck’s strength is in its crown, which, like the branches of a tree, reach into the Upper World for spiritual connection.

The doe comes to bring the message to embrace a more passive and sensitive demeanor and the fawn to embrace innocence.


A deer in a dream represents women and children. Capturing a deer in a dream or receiving one as a gift means prosperity, an inheritance, marriage, having children or overcoming one’s adversary. Slaughtering a deer in a dream means deflowering a young girl. Bringing a deer inside one’s house means finding a bride for one’s son.

If one kills and skins a deer in a dream, it means that he will rape a noble woman.

A deer jumping at someone in a dream represents a disobedient wife. Owning a deer in a dream means marriage to a noble woman or it could represent wealth which is earned from lawful sources.

(See Also: Gazelle)


Because of the similarity of its antler to tree branches, it is often linked symbolically to the Tree of Life. By virtue of its large antlers it also represents the elevation. For these reasons, it is identified with the idea of nobility. Its presence in dreams may be related to a job promotion.

The oneiric image of this animal in the forest announces benefits. A deer running bodes well for business. Deer fighting one another denote obtained powers; to see them die, well-being; to have one in the garden, misfortune. However, a herd of deer predicts good and numerous friendships.


Deer represent grace and spirituality. Deers are important dream messengers, so pay attention to where they lead you in dreams. Some specific dream meanings involving deer: To see a deer in its natural habitat foretells a new and pleasant friendship.

If the deer was captive or in unnatural surroundings, this symbolizes emotional upsets and/or disappointment in a trusted friend.

To see a dead or dying deer, or to kill a deer in your dream, is a warning to look out for a backstabber who is masquerading as your friend.


The gentle deer has an innocence that is both beautiful and fragile. If she visits your dreams, it is a lovely omen, and a sign that you are loved and cared for. Deer are often associated with fear, because of the way they flee from danger.

Is there something you’re afraid of ? If so, think of ways to channel that fear into something positive and move forwards. Even if the deer in your dreams runs away, you don’t have to.

She may be fleet of foot, but you are fleet of mind – and resourceful.


Inherent Characteristics love, alertness, camouflage, balance and alertness, attention to distinguish outside influences, ability to listen, attention, shows how to walk gracefully and carefully, They have great vision, hearing, smell, helps discern what actions to be done.

1. Gentle nature;

2. Those who are vulnerable; John. 8:34

3. Someone who seeking water/after God; Ps. 42:1.

• Fawn

1. Word play > someone fawning all over you.


Grace and beauty are the medicine of this timid animal. Also, the need to be on guard and self-protective is part of what is being called into consciousness when a deer appears in a dream.

The deer knows its way through the woods and has the ability to guide us through unknown and hidden territory.

If the deer has antlers, this increases its power to navigate through primal instincts.


If the deer was capfive or in an unnatural surrounding, it signifies emotional upsets and/or disappointment in some trusted friend; however, in its natural habitat it augurs the cementing of a new and pleasant friendship.

To kill a deer or see a dead one is a warning to look out for a backbiter masquerading as a friend.


The deer, as one of the most widely hunted species in North America, is naturally associated with hunting. It also symbolizes grace and gentleness (“gentle as a deer”). In folklore deer are messengers of fairies, which may give them a symbolic role in dreams as messengers of the unconscious.


This is a favorable dream, denoting pure and deep friendships for the young and a quiet and even life for the married.

To kill a deer, denotes that you will be hounded by enemies.

For farmers, or business people, to dream of hunting deer, denotes failure in their respective pursuits.


(See Also: Fawn). Lovers who dream of deer, particularly fawns, may look forward to a deep and lasting affair that will culminate in a happy marriage.

For a young man or a young woman to dream of tilling a deer is an indication of the breaking up of a love affair.


1. A spirit guide.

2. A good omen, especially for friendships, relationships.

3. Symbol of speed, agility and defense of family.

4. To consider something or someone especially important, with great affection, cherished (wordplay on “dear”).


Dreams of a deer represents a gentle spirit, precious, wise, loving and fragile heart. You need to be mindful of your naiveté making you vulnerable to sudden, unexpected predators.


A symbol for a woman or girl.

ASTROLOGY: According to teacher Johannes Fiebig, a traditional symbol for the zodiacal sign of Cancer.


A female deer is a sign of hard times to come.

An antlered deer means you are in for a long, hard battle.

See Also: Stag, Fawn.


To drcam oi hunting deet signifies going to law or to the wars, or falling out with your best friend upon a slight occasion.


Gentle, innocent aspects of self, often victimized by failure to awaken strengths and inner protection.

See Also: Animal.


To see deer in their native environment is a lucky dream for those who are about to embark on a new enterprise.


Dissensions, disputes and quarrels with one’s sweetheart (Gypsy); an erotic dream (Jung).


To dream of wild animals in unnatural captivity is unfavourable, and indicates quarrels or disputes.


A symbol of peace and longing, Ps. 42:1. Deer are also symbolic of youth and beauty, Song. 4:5


One who is vivacious in spirit


See Also: animals


See Also: Hunting


To dream you see deer in a park, denotes war and famine. To the lover, it foretells some very unpleasant dispute with your sweetheart. To the tradesman, it denotes trouble and a prison throuøh a quarrel with your creditors. To the seaman, it denotes bad success, and a stormy voyage; expect after such a dream to quarrel with your friends, and be much injured by it.


lucky numbers: 06-26-28-31-34-46

antlers: your presence causes vexation in others.

several: a painful, unrequited love who refused to be your trophy.

buck, a: be wary of making a stupid appearance in unwanted territory.

doe, a: an encounter in peaceful surroundings detracts from needed actions.

killing a, while hunting: are accusing the wrong person; engagement is broken.

driving: are acting one-dimensional y.

many: are offending the hospitality of your friends.

tame: don’t be afraid to show your vulnerability.

ears of a: are often hurt by other’s criticism.

head: triumph over a gentle, harmless self is no victory.

eating the meat of a hart: partner is betraying you.

venison: complete victory for your enemies in their particular objections.

fawn, a: a severe danger to your relationships, if you al ow your quality of life to suffer.

herd of: great friendship with messengers from the unconscious.

running away: grace and gentleness and fertility.

horns of, having the: wil be bound and gored by backbiters.

skin: wil receive inheritance from an elderly person pre-death.

jumping: diversionary tactics wil gain you the contract.

killing a: wil be cal ed to court by best friend.

hart: wil receive an inheritance after battling for your rights.

male: an invitation to the ultimate stag party.

others: postponement of the event aids your opponent.

rabbit and, on the run: run with the opportunity in front of you.

running at your headlights: are headed into conflict with another by your own acts.

several: want freedom to roam with the messengers of your unconscious.

shouting because of missing a shot at a: wil go into bankruptcy with an unfaithful partner.

stag high on a forest hill, a: pride rules your actions.

venison, eating: an invitation from a distinguished person.


Sources and Authors

  1. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  2. Ariadne's Book of Dream by [Back to dream]
  3. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  4. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  5. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  6. Dreams Interpretations Hidden Meanings Symbols by [Back to dream]
  7. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  8. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  9. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  10. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  11. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  12. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  13. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  14. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  15. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  16. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  17. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  18. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  19. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  20. The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]
  21. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  22. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  23. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  24. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  25. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  26. The Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  27. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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