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Egg Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 22 Unique Sources About Egg

egg image Egg - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

Universal Landscape: New beginnings; possibility.

Dreaming Lens: How is the egg presented in the dream: as food or as a dormant life waiting to be hatched? What are you doing with the egg(s)? Are you in the egg? Do you know what is in the egg? What are your feelings about what is in the egg? Does the egg hatch in your dream?

Personal Focus: An egg symbolizes the potential for life that lies within it. From this perspective, this symbol always connects to new possibilities and new life. The type of egg in your dream and what it might hatch should provide the foundation of your exploration. The subtleties of your interpretation bring other meanings into the picture, including the context of the Dreaming Lens and your Personal Focus.

Any egg will fall into one of two categories: fertile or infertile. We are so used to consuming eggs in the Western world that it is easy to forget that if fertilized, our breakfast might well have become a chicken. Examine your dream egg to determine whether you perceived it as food or not. If so, your dream may point out issues of nurturing and self-care that are in the embryonic stage and waiting for birth and new life. If the egg is not for consumption, the meaning is more likely to fall on the side of creative possibilities on the horizon.

There are a number of other associations bound up with the image of the egg. The most prominent of these is the age-old question of which came first. There is no answer to this adage. Since either the idea in mind (egg) or the resulting manifestation (chicken) can be born without the other, an egg can represent the spontaneous manifestation of something new, whether the new idea has visible parents or not.

A person who is considered basic and decent is sometimes called a good egg. In this fashion, an egg can symbolize basic values and a sense of goodness. Additionally, the fragility of the shell of an egg prompts us to use the phrase walking on eggshells to refer to situations where we hold ourselves back, usually to hinder a reaction in others. This may be reflecting the care and consideration you direct toward what is new in your life so as to protect the delicacy of life unfolding. Conversely, you may be so careful that you stop yourself from moving toward your goals with certainty and power.


To see or eat eggs in your dream symbolizes fertility, birth, new beginnings and your creative potential. To find a nest filled with eggs in your dream signifies some financial gain; the bigger and more abundant the eggs, the more significant the gain. To see an egg hatching could refer to a new idea gestating in your mind. To see cracked or broken eggs in your dream denotes potential misfortunes and feelings of vulnerability. Alternatively, it could mean that you may be breaking out of your shell and being comfortable with who you are. To see brightly colored eggs in your dream symbolizes celebration of a happy event, but to dream of rotten eggs signifies loss. You may have allowed some situation to take a turn for the worse. To see fish eggs in your dream represents an idea that has emerged from your unconscious.

Consider also the verbal expressions associated with eggs. Are you putting all your eggs in one basket by taking an all-or-nothing gamble? Or have you had egg all over your face when you did something recently that made you look stupid. Dream omelets suggest aspects connected to something in waking life with which you are directly associated. It may signify a mixing up or blending of elements regarding a relationship, situation, event or perspective.


Symbol: The egg is a symbol of the life to come, of growth.

Vision: Eating an egg is a good omen for a permanent relationship. Seeing a lot of colorful eggs means many children. Finding a nest full of eggs: expect extra money either in the form of a win or an inheritance. Dropping an egg: losses in the coming weeks. Having eggs thrown at you: people around you are going to attack you.

If you are the one throwing rotten eggs: you have done something wrong and it is going to boomerang.

Depth Psychology: Dreams about eggs are positive, because they always refer to your joy in life (unless the eggs are rotten). Beneath the eggshell are hidden your good and bad habits. Since the egg is also a symbol of rebirth, it could also be a sign of your own inner process of resurrection.


(See Also: Basket, Chicken, Eating)

Cracking open: Coming out of a shell and enjoying a more social existence. Alternatively, the hirth of new ideals or abilities.

Potential and fertility just waiting to be liberated from within.

Rotten: Something about this predicament “smells” bad, even though it mav outwardly appear quite good.

A fragile or delicate situation requiring diplomacy (e.g., “walking on egg shells”).

The creative force of the Universe becoming actively expressed in and through your life. In several mythological cycles including those of Egypt and Greece, the primordial cosmic matter is represented by an egg.

Folk medicine: If placed in the ground or broken into soil, this represents the waning of sickness.


1- The egg is the symbol of unrealised potential, of possibilities yet to come, so to dream of an egg indicates that we have not made fully conscious our natural abilities.

To be eating an egg shows the need to take in certain aspects of newness before we can fully explore a different way of life.

2- We have a sense of wonder to do with the miracle of life, and a realisation that there is much to plan before we can enjoy life to the full. We may have to withdraw and contemplate before we can undertake new learning experience.

3- I’he life principle and the germ of all things is said to be contained in the cosmic egg, thus spiritually representing our potential and power to be perfect.


Eggs, in general, are an excellent omen for almost anything that concerns you or your family.

If you dream that you find a nest filled with eggs you will soon see some financial gains.

If the eggs are small or few in number, then your windfall will be small but significant, and will come at a time when you need it the most.

If you see broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged eggs, than you will suffer a reversal of good fortune or a disappointment.

If the eggs are brightly colored then you will celebrate a happy event in your family.

If you are eating eggs this shows that your health will improve.


Dreams of an egg or eggs represent fertility in business, conception, ideas, partnership, and the potential for success. This dream may be cautioning you not to put all your eggs into in one basket.

If you dream that there is egg on your face, there may something you are afraid people will find out about you.

The egg is also a symbol of your ego, the fragile, breakable, vulnerable shell that protects the golden life within you. Consider the feeling tone.


Symbol of beginning. Many mythologies depict the earth as having been developed from an egg. Symbol of rebirth—Easter eggs. Also, that which is fragile. Longing for or fear of pregnancy, as in Baby, Birth. In the Koran, virgin women are compared to well preserved eggs.

According to Freud, female sexuality and motherhood.

ASTROLOGY: Symbol for Cancer.


Material aspects: The egg is the symbol of unrealized potential, of possibilities yet to come, so to dream of an egg indicates that we have not made ourselves fully conscious of our natural abilities.

To be eating an egg shows the need to take in certain aspects of newness before we can fully explore a different way of life.


There are new beginnings afoot and your life is filled with possibility. An egg symbolizes the potential for life that lies within it. From this perspective, this symbol always connects to new possibilities and new life.

The type of egg in your dream and what it might hatch should provide the foundation of your exploration.


Psychological / emotional perspective: We have a sense of wonder to do with the miracle of life, and a realization that there is much to plan – a gestation period – before we can enjoy life to the full. We may have to withdraw and contemplate before we can undertake new learning experiences.


Eggs are universal symbols of wholeness, fertility, new birth, and rebirth (or resurrection; hence, their association with Easter). Broken eggs may present a state of brokenness in one’s life or “breaking out of a shell.”


An egg represents (the possibility of) something new in your life, a new beginning: even the emergence of your true self. Something is about to break out of its shell; and the shell is probably your unconscious.


Gives gender-specific: For a woman, an egg will usually have links with fertility, whether her own or someone else’s. In a man’s dream an egg more often suggests potential.


Potential; parts of self as yet unrealised or not fenilised by our conscious action or quality; the female ovum, a sense of wonder regarding life, our prenatal life.


The life principle and the germ of all things are said to be contained in the cosmic egg, which spiritually represents our potential and power to be perfect.


Closed in; living in a limited reality. Seed of new life, ready to open.

See Also: Womb. Used humorously, you laid an egg; re-evaluate and clean up your act.


Eggs in dreams are good symbols, representing renewal and wholeness.

A broken egg suggests a transition in your life. Also see “Egg Hunt”, below.


An egg is a symbol of incubating wealth. Acquired unjustly the egg will be taken from you in the dream, Jer. 17:11 NLT


White-Symbolic Of Something Tasteless And Repulsive, Job 6:6


A new beginning in a premature, undeveloped stage


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A to Z Dream Interpretation