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Family Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 26 Unique Sources About Family

family image Family - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

Family Dynamics in Dreams: Parental Influence, Personal Growth, and Emotional Bonds

In dreams, family members, particularly parents, symbolize the deep-rooted patterns, emotions, and experiences that shape our sense of self and influence our lives. These dream symbols represent the positive and negative aspects of relationships and personal development that we have absorbed from our family background.

Parental Influence and Emotional Development

  • Father’s influence: Reflects uncertainty in dealing with people, anxiety in meeting change, and potential roots of personal difficulties in those areas.
  • Mother’s influence: If unable to develop emotional contact with you, it may lead to a lack of confidence in dealing with emotions.
  • Absent parent: The trauma of a missing parent's love or presence can be as impactful as any harmful event, affecting personal identity and emotional development.

Dreams of Parents and Emotional Independence

  • Parents together: Represent wisdom, background, and experiences from which you make important decisions or gain intuitive insights.
  • Dead parent: Signifies the beginning of emotional independence and personal freedom from parental influences.
  • Hurting or killing a parent: A metaphor for breaking free from internalized restraints and ready-made values passed on by parents. This signifies emerging independence and personal growth.
  • Parents behaving irrationally (drunk or foolish): Indicates gaining independence from stifling values or old, internalized drives to honor or admire parents.

Family Dynamics and Personal Relationships

  • Siblings and children: Dreaming of siblings often represents different aspects of yourself, such as vulnerability, authority, or rivalry. Family members in dreams frequently depict qualities you associate with them in real life.
  • Son: Reflects personal desires for self-expression, parental responsibility, or anxieties related to marriage or relationships.
  • Daughter: In dreams, daughters often symbolize feelings of support, companionship, or unresolved emotions about youth and opportunity.
  • Wife: Reflects your relationship with intimacy, emotional bonds, and sexual desire, as well as how you relate to your wife as a person and partner.

Specific Examples and Interpretations

Dreams of family members often evoke deep emotions, insecurities, and unresolved conflicts. For instance, seeing a dead parent may represent unresolved feelings about their death or signify the emergence of personal independence.

  • Example 1: A woman dreaming of her son falling into a hole symbolizes fears about the stability of her marriage, with the son representing what was created together in the relationship.
  • Example 2: A mother dreaming of her daughter playing music may reflect feelings of being left behind as her child gains independence.

See Also: individuation, dead people dreams, archetypes, boy, girl, man, woman, child.


The Symbolism of Family in Dreams: Relationships, Growth, and Emotional Development

The family is the first basic security image that a child has, and it plays a critical role in shaping future relationships and attitudes. Dreams about family often reflect unresolved issues or emotional bonds within the family unit.

Family as a Reflection of Personal Growth

  • Distorted family images: Dreams may either attempt to correct distorted family dynamics or confirm the problems within those dynamics. For instance, dreaming of an argument with a family member reflects unresolved conflicts from daily life.
  • Struggle for individuality: Family represents the safety in which individuality should develop. In dreams, we can manipulate family images to work through personal issues without causing harm, leading to real changes in relationships.
  • Spiritual Triangle: Family in dreams symbolizes safety, emotional bonds, and the groundwork for all future relationships.

Family Members in Dreams

  • Transformation of family members: A man’s mother turning into another woman may represent the process of letting go of maternal influence, signifying growth. Similarly, a woman’s father transforming into someone else indicates readiness to form new relationships (See Also: Animus).
  • Siblings representing the Shadow: A brother or sister often symbolizes our own unresolved, hidden aspects. Projecting negative traits onto siblings in dreams can help us recognize these traits in ourselves (See Also: Shadow).
  • Parent confusion: Confusion of family members, such as a mother’s face on a father’s body, reflects indecision about which parent holds more influence or importance.
  • Injury to family members: Family members suffering injury or distortion in dreams may mirror the dreamer’s fears for those individuals or internal conflicts.

Family Relationships and Dream Interpretation

  • Incestuous relationships: May indicate obsession or highlight the emotional importance and potential danger of such relationships.
  • Parents crushing the dreamer: This signifies the dreamer’s need to rebel against learned childhood behaviors to develop individual identity.
  • Parent’s death: Suggests the dreamer is breaking away from the influence of parental figures and developing independence.
  • Conflict with a parent: Dreaming of rivalry or conflict with a parent may reflect unresolved questions about self-worth and validation.

Family Archetypes and Emotional Bonds

  • Father: Represents authority and conventional law. If the relationship was positive, the father symbolizes strength and guidance. In a negative relationship, dreams offer a path to resolve conflicts.
  • Mother: Represents nurturing and care. If the mother-child bond was weak, this may lead to dependence or dissatisfaction in other relationships. Dreaming about the mother offers opportunities for emotional healing.
  • Siblings: Brothers and sisters often represent various aspects of ourselves, such as rivalry, vulnerability, or capability. Rivalry between siblings often stems from feelings of insecurity or competition for parental love.
  • Extended family: Extended family members in dreams often symbolize aspects of ourselves influenced by family traditions and values.

Specific Family Member Dreams

  • Daughter: A daughter often represents the emotional connection within a marriage or relationship. In a woman’s dream, the daughter symbolizes support or potential rivalry. In a man’s dream, she may represent his fears about vulnerability.
  • Son: The son in dreams signifies the need for self-expression and personal responsibility. In a mother’s dream, he may represent hope and potential, while in a father’s dream, he reflects unfulfilled ambitions.
  • Husband/Live-in partner: The relationship between husband and wife in dreams reflects deeper feelings about intimacy, body, mind, and spirit, often influenced by the wife’s relationship with her father.

See Also: individuation, Shadow, Animus, Archetypes.


Family Dreams: Understanding Their Symbolism and Meaning

Material Aspects: The family is the first basic security image we develop, and through various circumstances, this image can become distorted. Dreams often attempt to correct or confirm these distortions. For instance, an argument with a family member in a dream may depend on both the circumstances of the dream and your everyday relationship with that person. Since family relationships shape all future connections, dreams involving family members carry significant meaning.

Transformation of Family Members

A man’s mother being transformed into another woman: A man’s first close relationship with a woman is often with his mother or a mother figure. Dreaming of this transformation, such as the mother becoming a boss, suggests changing perceptions of women. This change could be positive or negative, but it indicates a process of personal growth and a realization that it's time to let go of the mother figure.

A woman’s father, brother, or lover turning into someone else: Similarly, a woman’s first relationship with the male is often with her father. Dreaming of this transformation reflects her need to separate from that bond to develop fuller relationships. When she can handle her animus, the male aspect of her psyche, she is ready for that transformation.

Projections and the Shadow

A man’s brother or a woman’s sister in a dream: These figures often represent the shadow—an unconscious part of the self. It’s easier to project the negative side of our personalities onto family members. If left unresolved, this projection can strain relationships, but dreams often present solutions to help us come to terms with these projections.

Family Confusion and Trauma

Confusion of family members (e.g., mother’s face on father’s body): This suggests inner conflict about which parent or person holds more importance in your life. Family members appearing injured or distorted in a dream may reflect fears about that person or concerns about your relationship with them.

Rebellion and Independence

Parents crushing us and forcing rebellion: This symbolizes the need to break away from childhood behaviors and develop as an individual. Dreaming of a parent’s death can signify this transition, marking the shift in roles as we accept parents as equals or friends. Dreams of inappropriate parental behavior highlight the realization that our parents are only human and not the perfect figures we once believed them to be.

Rivalry and Maturity

Rivalry with one or both parents: Such dreams may occur when the emotional transformation from childhood to adulthood has not been properly managed. Dreaming of conflict between a loved one and a family member shows that we may not have fully differentiated our needs and desires for each person.

Sibling Rivalry and Insecurity

Rivalry between siblings in dreams often stems from feelings of insecurity and doubt, particularly about being loved within the family. The intrusion of a family member in dreams may suggest that family loyalties are affecting daily life.

Adoption and Completion

Dreaming of being adopted often suggests feelings of being out of place or different from other family members. This dream is common during adolescence when the search for identity and independence begins. Dreaming of a family member, such as a brother, when none exists in waking life, can symbolize a desire for completion or missing aspects of the self.

See Also: Archetypes, Mother Earth.


Family Relationships in Dreams: Analyzing the Patterns and Symbols

Family relationships have been studied and written about for centuries, from the brothers Cain and Abel, through Joseph the favored son, to evil stepmothers in fairy tales and Mrs. Robinson in *The Graduate*.

While whole schools of family therapy have been developed to address issues within the family context, it is worthwhile looking at one theory of a child's development into adulthood, which sheds light on dreams about family members. This is Jung’s theory of the process of individuation, one of his most interesting and important theories.

Jung’s Theory of Individuation

Individuation refers to the process of becoming a self-aware and independent human being. The area of being to which we refer when we say “I” or “me” is our sense of self, which Jung calls the ego. A vital part of the process of individuation is to meet and integrate, or become independent of, childhood patterns. This includes the desire for the love of the parent of the opposite sex, rivalry mingled with dependence on the parent of the same sex, and the move away from total dependence on both parents.

An absence of a father’s or mother’s love can be especially traumatic, as parents are the soil out of which your sense of self must emerge. Even if your parents are no longer alive or you never had a relationship with them, their impact on your psyche can be just as profound. A person’s identity cannot gain real independence while still dominated by these internal forces.

The Role of Family in Dreams

Psychologically, the struggle for individuality should take place within the safety of the family unit. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, and in dreams, images of family members may be manipulated to work out issues and conflicts unresolved during the process of individuation.

Family dreams are so common because most of the conflicts and problems in your waking life are first experienced within the psychological environment laid down by your family. It is as if a pattern has been imprinted that will continue to appear until it is willingly broken. The way you were brought up profoundly affects your psychological health, and any dream involving family members will likely have a unique and highly specific meaning based on your personal experience of family life.

Archetypes and Symbolism

Individual family members can represent various archetypes in your dreams. For example, the father can symbolize the masculine principle of authority and discipline, while the mother represents the feminine principle of nurturing and protection. These archetypal figures may provide reassurance, confidence, and guidance in your dreams, while also highlighting current or long-term issues within your family or personal relationships.

Impact of Family on Future Relationships

Because family dynamics often replicate values, attitudes, and emotional or social responses that you absorbed during childhood, all future relationships outside the family are influenced in some way by the ones you first developed within your family. In times of stress, your dreams might use scenarios involving family members to try to resolve conflicts or bring attention to unresolved issues.

Cultural Context

It is important to consider that each dream about a family member must be understood within its specific context. What the idea of family means to you may not be the same for another person. For example, Western concepts such as individuation, sibling rivalry, or Freud’s Oedipus complex might not resonate in cultures where uncles or grandparents are considered as significant as mothers or fathers.

See Also: Relationships.


Psychological / emotional perspective: Psychologically the struggle for individuality should take place within the safety of the family unit. This, however, does not always happen. In dreams we are able to ‘manipulate’ the images of our family members, so that we can work through our difficulties without harming anyone else (it is interesting to note that one person working on his own dreams can have a profound noticeable effect on the interactions and unconscious bondings between other members of his family). Almost all of the problems we encounter in life are reflected within the family, so in times of stress we will dream of previous problems and difficulties that the family has experienced. Dreams about the family figure so prominently because most of the conflicts and problems in life are experienced first within that environment.

It is as though a pattern is laid down which, until it is broken willingly, will continue to appear. Individual members and their position within the family can also symbolize the various archetypes – father can represent the masculine principle and authority, whereas mother represents the nurturing, protective principle.

For ease of reference the relevance of each figure in men’s and women’s dreams is included under each heading. Because we have had an intimate connection with members of the family they become easy targets for projection as dream images. We do have to decide whether they are in our dreams as themselves or whether they are there in a symbolic capacity.


If you dream about your family, it may be a way for your mind to express feelings and concerns about your real faimly that you could not express in daily life. Some believe that this dream usually has nothing to do with your actual family members, but rather the male and female sides of your own personality or self. So in a dream, your father may represent your expressive and protective aspects, while your mother could stand for your receptive and nurturing side.

If family members behave very differently in a dream than they do in real life, or if unexpected things happen when you are with your dream family, the dream is probably a way of releasing your anxiety about real-life family issues.

For instance, if you dream of a family member trying to hurt or kill you, it reflects a real-life concern about this person. They are acting in a way that hurts you, or threatens your emotional happiness. Also see “Father”, “Mother” and “Relatives”


Dreams of family symbolize loyalty, strength, unconditional love and deeply rooted belief systems from you tribe. This dream could be an indication that healing among your family members is taking place or is forthcoming.

If you dream of a family member can literally be that you are processing the details of your recent interactions with a particular relative, or you are beginning to disidentify with your family mythology as you begin to autonomize and discover your own beliefs and attitudes. Also, because as every character in your dream is a reflection of you, consider the qualities and attributes you ascribe to this relative and realize that you are grappling with this aspect of yourself.

See Also: Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Uncle, Aunt, Gr, father, Gr, mother.


All the people in your dreams represent aspects of you, the dreamer. When they are known to you, the dream can also be reflecting your outside relationships in the waking world. However, the most value in interpreting such a dream still connects to how the people represent aspects of yourself. This is the most difficult to do when the people in your dreams are members of your family. You are who you are in life as a result of the role you played in the dynamics of your family. As you grow and mature through life, you will have a sense of your identity changing. However, if your family of origin creates the setting and characters of a dream, you can interpret such a dream as relating to your personality and identity as it relates to your first few decades of life.


Fulfillment of the need for protection and security, as in Notice-of’Intention-to-Marry, Bureaucrat, Tree Trunk, Sidewalk, and Parents’ House. On an objective level, the “own” family that is often unconsciously experienced aggressively. On a subjective level, needs, emotions, and partly reflecting the characteristics of self. It can also refer to other groups (at work, friends, etc.)

According to Freud, a symbol for secrets.


To dream of your family members can be an attempt to draw attention to your relationship with them, Jer. 12:6 NLT.

If a dream contains relatives who are deceased it can be showing you a generational curse or blessing that originates with that particular relative.

If the dead relative is dripping with oil, radiant, and joyous it symbolizes eternal life, 1 Jn. 3:9 NLT


Because each person’s family experiences are so involved and vary so much from individual to individual it is difficult to say anything definitive about families in dreams.

If the dream does not seem connected to our actual family, then it could relate to our inner “family,” the different aspects of our own psyche.


If you dream of a large family this means that your fortunes in life are looking up, but if the family is unhappy or bickering it will denote the opposite for you. It would mean the same if the family is an animal family.

If the family is very sad expect some adverse reactions in your financial structure.


Dreaming of your family indicates the need for a return to basics, to a part of yourself from where you have been running away.

If you fight with family it means you are dragging internal conflicts that affect your life. But if the relationship is good it means that you seek harmony.


1. Church family; or natural family;

2. Assembly or team that is in covenant together;

3. Harmony and oneness

4. Bond;

5. Order or disorder;

6. Fellowship;

7. Relationships. Eph. 1:5; 3:14-15; 5:23; Gen. 13:16;


1. Concern over family matters or worries.

2. Self, male and female attributes and roles in personality; self-nurturing.

3. Good fortune, better circumstances in the offing (to dream of animal families).


To dream of one’s family as harmonious and happy, is significant of health and easy circumstances; but if there is sickness or contentions, it forebodes gloom and disappointment.


Integration of roles or aspects of self. Usually everyone portrayed represents you, although it could show you the dynamics of the relationship with a particular family member.


A large and happy family seen in a dream is an omen of family happiness.

A family of animals seen in their natural environment portends profit in your business.


The family symbolizes the spiritual triangle, the unification of love and wisdom from which arises power.

It is also a group in which we feel safe.


To dream of a numerous Family is a good sign of prosperous times in store; also to dream of relatives as long as they are friendly.


A dream of a large and/or happy family, whether human or animal, predicts a general upswing in all your interests.


(See Also: Dependents)


Soul group.


See Also: People


Dream Interpretation: Family-Related Symbols and Lucky Numbers

Lucky Numbers: 16-20-27-31-40-41

Family Interactions and Their Symbolic Meaning in Dreams

Announcing, affairs: Probable divorce or a bidding of farewell.

Arranging: Major sacrifices will fill each soul with caring encouragement.

Arguing with: Your tactful diplomacy will lead to a constructive plan.

Dream States and Emotional Reactions

Awakening from sleep: Prying into the affairs of others causes trouble.

Being happy: Wish fulfillment for an unplanned, undesired change in your environment.

Chagrined, members of, being: Disputes with mother-in-law over raising children.

Challenges and Family Dynamics

Convulsions, members having: Disheartening failure in otherwise good financial matters.

Destitute, a: Upheaval in national interests causes your business to not be remunerative.

Feeding a: You are sufficiently self-confident to extend your civic responsibility.

Size and Wealth of Family in Dreams

Large, having a: Prosperous times are in store.

No family or relatives: You are being deceived by members of the opposite sex.

Rich: Your excessive vanity, gloating on success encourages a scourge on your family.

Small: A friend is trying to help.

Warnings and Guidance Through Family Symbolism

Of own: Be cautious, not unhappy and pessimistic in your ventures.

Old member of: Approaching money from those you have been faithful to.

Others, of: Your failure to acknowledge others makes them argumentative.

Refuses to accept: Financial woes make responsibilities overwhelming.

See Also: Archetypes, Family Roles.


Sources and Authors

  1. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  2. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  3. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  4. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  5. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  6. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  7. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  8. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  9. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  10. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  11. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  12. Tryskelion Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  13. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  14. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  15. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  16. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  17. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  18. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  20. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  21. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  22. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  23. Expansions Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  24. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  25. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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A to Z Dream Interpretation