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Dreams of Human Growth Hormone is about a desire for eternal youth. This dream also represents your very own fountain of youth that you access whenever you follow your bliss.See Pe...
Learn more about the meaning of HghWhile Dr. LaBerge studied lucid dreams as a means of personal transformation, other researchers have delved into the fundamental question of why people dream. Some argue that dream...
Learn more about the meaning of Dream Theories: Why Do We Dream?The female within the male, shown as a woman in a man’s dream. Physically a man is predominantly male, but also has nipples and produces some female hormones. Psychologically, ...
Learn more about the meaning of AnirnaAlthough you could interpret your dreams literally, a much more likely interpretation is a symbolic one. In this respect, dreams about nuclear war, the earth exploding, stars and p...
Learn more about the meaning of Nuclear War / End-of-the-world ScenariosA part of our persona is the role of male or female we must play. For most people, that gender role is determined by their physical sex. But Jung, like Freud and Adler and others, ...
Learn more about the meaning of The Anima And The Animus"Sleep is the balm for hurt minds, nature’s great second course." - William Shakespeare Sleep is an absolute necessity for our physical, mental, and emotional well-bei...
Learn more about the meaning of The Hows, Whys And Whats Of Sleep And DreamsYour longing for sexual adventure that isn’t expressed in waking life may attempt to express itself in your dreams.If you have sex with other people in your dream, this doesn’t...
Learn more about the meaning of Intercourse