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Incident Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 6 Unique Sources About Incident

sleeping boy Incident - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

It is related that Abdullah bin Zubair (RA) saw in his dream that he is engaged in a duel with Abdul Malik ibn Marwan, defeating the latter.

The former also sees himself pinning his foe to the ground by means of four nails. When he awoke in the morning, he sent his man to Muhammad bin Sireen (RA) for the interpretation of the dream. He also cautioned him not to reveal to the Imaam the name of the one who saw the dream, nor the winnr nor the loser. When the Imaam heard this he exclaimed: “This is not your dream! Nor can anyone except Abdul Malik ibn Marewan or Abdullah bin Zubair see such a dream!” The Imaam decline to interpret the dream.

The person returned to Abdullah bin Zubair and informed him tof the Imaam’s refusal to interpret the dream until the real person who had seen the dream is not known. Abdullah bin Zubair 9RA) sent his messenger back to tell the Imaam that it was he who had seen the dream When the Imaam was informed to this and the fact that the loser was Abdul Malik bin Marwan he said that Ibne Marwan will gain victory over Abdullah bin Zubair, killing him in the process. Thereafter, the chain of Khilafat will reamin in the family of ibne Marwan. This interpretation was given because of the fact that ibne Marwan was pinned to the ground by means of four nails.

The interpretation turned out to be exactly as the Imaam had stated!.


It is related that Ameerul_Mu’mineen, Mansoor, dreamt that he had lost all his teeth. In the morning he called for an interpreter.

The interpreter came and after listening to the dram, said to Mansoor: “All your relatives will die.” Upon this, Mansoor became infuriated, saying : “May Allah lock your mouth! May He never let your interpretation become a reality! Now be gone!”.

The another interpreter was called who fortunately was familiar with courtly protocols. He said: “O Ameerul-Mu’mineen, you will live for a long time. You will be the last to die amongst your relatives”.

Highly delighted with his tactful interpretation, the Ameerul-Mu’mineen laughed, remarking: “both interpretations are the same, but the manner employed by you is more superior and excellent!” He then presented him ten Thousand Dirhams as a gift.


It is related that a man came to Ja’far As-saadiq (RA) and said: “ I dreamt that Allah gave me a piece of iron and a sip of vinegar. What is the Interpretation of this dream?”

The Imaam replied: “Iron depicts hardships, for Allah says in Qur’aan : And we have sent iron wherein is material for mighty war. But it is possible that your children may learn this tradeoff Dawood (AS) (for he was a blacksmith by trade). As for vinegar, it means you will be afflicted with a disease from sometime, at the same time acquiring abundant wealth. Thereafter, if Allah gives you death, we will be pleased with you and forgive all your sins, past and future.


It is related that when Imaam Aboo Haneefah (RA) was still a child, he dreamed tht he was digging the grave of Rasoolullah 9Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam). He related the dream to one of his tutors in the maktab.

The teacher said to him: “My child, if your dream is genuine then you will follow in the footsteps of Rasoolullah 9Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) and you will also do great research in his shari’ah”. Every word of the interpretation manifested itself to be true and correct as is known by one and all.


A person revealed his dream to Imaam Muhammad bin Sireen (RA) saying that he had seen a glass vessel in his hand. Suddenly it fell from his hand and borke. Or he said that he saw it broken in his hand while holding it.

The Imaam asked whether his wife was expecting. When he said she was he said that she will die at the time of delivery and the boy will live.

The interpretation materialized exactly as the Imaam had interpreted.


A man once came to Sa’eed Ibne Musayyib (RA) and said : “ I have seen ( in my dream) that I am performing Salaah on top of the Ka’bah”. He replied: “Fear Allah! For it seems to me you have forsaken Islam”.

The man said : “Your Excellency! I hereby offer my repentance in your presence for I have been advocating the beliefs of the Qadriyyah sect since two months.


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