A joke works because it shows situations in a new perspective. Perhaps you should re-examine your rigid perspective. Don’t take life quite so seriously, and let the soul be a source of joy.
[1]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
A joke works because it shows situations in a new perspective. Perhaps you should re-examine your rigid perspective. Don’t take life quite so seriously, and let the soul be a source of joy.
[1]1. Issues of avoidance.2. A feeling that certain individuals are a drain or are taking advantage.3. Feelings of not being taken seriously. ...
Learn more about the meaning of JokerA joker in dreams is a free spirit or a self-actualized personality, one who has come to terms with life on the physical plane of existence....
Learn more about the meaning of Joke / Joker(see Clown, Laughter, Jester)As is often the case in waking reality, jokes often cover up something far more pertinent in your dreams. They are also a way of calling attention to t...
Learn more about the meaning of JokesIf you dreamed of playing a practical joke on someone, your success will be delayed.If you were the subject of the joke, you will have control over a new situation. Be wise in usin...
Learn more about the meaning of Practical Joke