Lack of clarity, as in Darkness, only less severe. Other than that, see Steam and Fog.
Astrology: Symbol of Neptune.
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Lack of clarity, as in Darkness, only less severe. Other than that, see Steam and Fog.
Astrology: Symbol of Neptune.
[1]To dream that you are enveloped in a mist, denotes uncertain fortunes and domestic unhappiness.If the mist clears away, your troubles will be of short duration.To see others in a m...
Learn more about the meaning of MistTo dream of mistletoe, foretells happiness and great rejoicing.To the young, it omens many pleasant pastimes If seen with unpromising signs, disappointment will displace pleasure o...
Learn more about the meaning of MistletoeAny illicit activity, i.E. “Lady luck” in gambling; alcohol or drugs to an addict, wealth to the greedy, etc....
Learn more about the meaning of MistressVision: Making a mistake—or recognizing that you have made a mistake: don’t let others bamboozle you.Depth Psychology: Dreaming about a mistake reveals a fear of being disapp...
Learn more about the meaning of Mistake, ErrorSeeing yourself enveloped in haze indicates that perhaps your life is not as perfect as you think: they could be deceiving you while you remain clueless.If the mist, however, fades...
Learn more about the meaning of HazeFog and mist are dreamland symbols of confusion, or of an inability to make progress and see the way ahead. They also suggest lack of clarity and that emotions are clouding your ju...
Learn more about the meaning of Fog / Mist