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Numbers Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 26 Unique Sources About Numbers

numbers image Numbers - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

Numbers in Dreams: Understanding the Symbolism Behind Each Digit

Universal Landscape: The building blocks of all reality.

Dreaming Lens

Did a number itself feature in your dream? Was it the number of something that was significant? Was there more than one digit, or was your dream number from one to nine? Was there calculation involved? Did the number have a specific purpose, such as a phone number or address?

Personal Focus

Numbers are the building blocks for our understanding of how life is constructed. The movement of the Earth, moon, and other planets are geometrical in nature. Music is simply math expressed as tone. Digital technology reduces various data to numeric sequences and then back again to its original form. Our need to describe physical phenomena led us to create nine whole numbers that, in different sequences, can express anything from gravity to the speed of light, or the way visitors can identify which house on the block is yours.

The universally accepted meaning of numbers is what informs the discipline of numerology. From this tradition, we get the foundational and metaphysical interpretation of the nine whole numbers. Use this as a base to inform how you consider the image from your dream with which the number is associated. If there is more than one digit involved, add all the values together until you arrive at a final, single number. For example, if an address is 115 Main Street, you would add one plus one plus five and get seven.

Number Meanings

One: One represents beginnings and is the starting point of existence. In human terms, it is the self alone. It is the idea before any action is taken. As such, it embodies the concept of potential and that which has yet to happen. In fact, the energy of one is limited by its inability to do anything by itself. However, it also connects to stillness and the cultivation of desire that precedes movement. One is the beginning of the journey, which can be a very exciting energy. However, the journey can bring with it the challenge of loneliness and isolation.

Two: When a second joins the one and two is formed, partnership is created. The concept of relativity evolves out of the energy of two, as the one has something to which it experiences itself as relative to. The one can now know itself as Self, because there is that which is Other. All of the elements of two are embodied in this idea—partnership, duality, opposites, yin/yang, balance, sharing, to name just a few. The Shadow side of two is the potential for collapsing into one another and losing the sense of Self.

Three: When two are gathered, eventually their energy will create a new element, and a third is born. Three is the number of creativity. A powerful energy, there are many examples of the concept of three. Mother-father-child is perhaps the most universal. The holy trinity in Catholicism is another instance. The artist, the paint, and the finished work is just one case that can be applied to any creative endeavor. In music, a trine is the simplest and perhaps most pleasing harmony. In the world of geometry, it is only when you have three points to work with that you can create an actual shape and accurately define a location in space. The challenge of three is a lack of grounding and separation from reality. This is because three relates so strongly to the drive to create, that feeling unable to do so would be the fear-based side of this energy.

Four: When you add a fourth point to a triangle, you end up with a square. Four is the number of structure. Once the creative impulse has been satisfied, it is time for solidification, which can be accomplished by the power of four. A wonderful weight-bearing shape, a square is what allows for building the foundation on which the creative energies of three can be supported. Four connects to the establishment of institutions, order, rules, and regulations. While a number of great strength, it can engender a sense of limitation and the concept of restraint.

Five: What follows the foundational sense of four is the freedom of five. Once a structure has been established, there is now a sense of safety and security for exploration. The number five embodies this expressiveness. The human body expresses the number five as represented by the four limbs and the head. The ability for the body to move about through space is a vibrant and exhilarating experience. In this way, five symbolizes joy and bliss. With this, comes the shadow of freedom—indulgence. This expression of five can carry grave consequences such as compulsion and addiction.

Six: Six is the number of partnership, marriage, creative collaboration, and balance. After the freedom of five, there is a need for stability, which is provided by the even number six. This energy can also be seen as a pairing of two threes. If three is about primal creativity at an individual level, combining two systems of three allows for six to engender worldly partnerships and the concept of marriage and union. This number represents partnership on every level: business, social, educational, and spiritual. In personal realms, the number six represents the happy union of opposites within us and the integration of our own opposing forces, such as containing two powerful emotions that contradict each other. The challenge of the six energy connects to responsibility and a sense of burden.

Seven: After all the work in the external world that brought us to the concept of partnership, we are now prepared for a more elevated experience of human expression. Seven is the number of spirituality and higher thought, which is only possible after the basic human needs are met. We are now free to look up and contemplate our existence in a more esoteric manner. Meditation and any consideration of the interior landscape of our humanity is governed by the number seven. This includes thought, contemplation, mysticism, prayer, faith, psychology, and any endeavor that seeks to understand life from a higher perspective. This is a number we are all familiar with as significant: seven days of the week, seven deadly sins, seven notes in the diatonic scale. The challenge associated with this vibration is of getting lost in the ethers and losing contact with life on the ground.

Eight: After spiritual matters have been made manifest, great abundance is possible. Eight is the number of infinity and all that it implies. This includes wealth of every kind: love, money, bliss, joy, and every amazing experience life has to offer. The concept of infinity states that there is no limitation in the universe; that time and space continue forever and ever in a way that is beyond our ability to truly comprehend. When we combine an understanding of infinity and abundance, we begin to realize that there is an endless supply of anything we could possibly desire, even those things that you perceive as limited and unavailable to us. Eight is the magic of seven in action. The shadow side to this is greed, hoarding, and withholding love.

Nine: The final number in the system is nine, which represents completion and endings. All things must end in order for the inevitable new beginning to follow. Nine embodies that cycle of existence that demands that change occur and that the old give way to the new. We have started the journey alone in the infinite (one), discovered opposites and relativity (two), invented creativity (three), built a foundation (four), expressed freedom (five), partnered with another (six), went inward to find spirituality (seven), expressed and enjoyed the rewards of the outside world (eight), and now we come to a close (nine). The shadow side to the completion energy of nine is the fear associated with endings and death.

See: Dream Symbols, Numerology, Energy.


1- When numbers are drawn to our attention in dreams they can have either a personal or a symbolic significance. Often a number will appear which has personal meaning, such as a particular date, or the number of a house we have lived in. Our minds will often retain the significance of the number even though we do not necessarily consciously remember it ourselves.

2- Symbolically numbers have some kind of significance in all systems of belief and religions. Below are the most often found meanings, which have been divided into three sub-sections, a) Supposed practical everyday interpretations of numbers as seen in dreams:

One You will have outstanding skill in the work vou do. Two Business or personal relationships need handling carefully. Three Your ideas for stability and success will materialise. Four A secure and sheltered home is yours for the asking. Five You are about to make an important discovery which will bring about changes. Six A loving relationship is available to you. Seven With personal effort you can solve your problems. Eight Your life holds the potential for a wonderful ofler. Nine Take care not to overreach yourself. Zero The cipher holds within it all potential, b)

Summary of qualities represented by primary numbers:

One Independence, self-respect, resolve, singleness of purpose. Intolerance, conceit, narrow- mindedness, degradation, stubbornness. Two Placidity integrity, unselfishness, gregariousness, harmony. Indecision, indifference, lack of responsibility, bloody- mindedness. Three Freedom, bravery, fun, enthusiasm, brilliance. Listlessness, over-confidence, impatience, lackadaisical behaviour. Four Loyalty, stolidity, practicality, honesty. Clumsiness, dullness, conservatism, unadaptibil- ity. Five Adventurousness, viva- ciousness, courage, health, susceptibility, sympathy. Rashness, irresponsibility, inconstancy, unreliability, thoughtlessness. Six Idealism, selflessness, honesty, charitableness, faithfulness, responsibility, superiority, softness, impracticality, submission. Seven Wisdom, discernment, philosophy; fortitude, depth, contemplation. Morbidness, hypercriticism, lack of action, unsociability. Eight Practicality, power, business ability; decision, control, constancy. Un imaginativeness, bluntness, self-sufficiency, domination. Nine Intelligence, discretion, artistry, understanding, brilliance, lofty- moral sense, genius. Dreaminess, lethargy, lack of concentration, aimlessness, c) The more esoteric interpretations are:

One Oneself, the beginning, the first, unity. Two Duality, indecision, balance, male vs female, two sides to an argument, opposites. Three The triangle, freedom. Four The square, strength, stability practicality; the earth, reality, the four sides of human nature - sensation, feeling, thought, intuition; earth, air, fire and water. Five The human body, human consciousness in the body, the five senses. Six Harmony or balance. Seven Cycles of life, magical, spiritual meaning; human wholeness. Eight Death and resurrection, infinity. Nine Pregnancy, the end of the cycle and the start of something new, spiritual awareness. Ten A new beginning, the male and female together. Eleven Eleventh hour, the master number. Twelve Time, a full cycle or wholeness. Zero The Feminine, the Great Mother, the unconscious, the absolute or hidden completeness.

3- Spiritually, as we progress we put ourselves in a position to make the best use of the vibrator) effect of numbers. It has long been acccptcd that by combining numbers in certain ways, infiucncc can be brought to bear on the dreamer’s environment.


Understanding the Significance of Numbers in Dreams and Their Symbolic Associations

When numbers appear in dreams, they can hold personal or symbolic meanings. It is important to examine both personal associations and cultural or symbolic interpretations.

Personal Associations with Numbers

If numbers feature prominently in your dream, consider any personal connections. These could include:

  • Your age
  • House number
  • The number of children you have
  • Important dates such as birthdays or anniversaries
  • Time, days, weeks, or even lucky and unlucky numbers

Your memory holds onto many significant numbers, even if you aren’t always consciously aware of them. For example, numbers in your dream might be reminding you of something important, like a specific date, a friend’s phone number, or an anniversary.

Symbolic Meanings of Numbers

If you can't find any personal relevance to the number in your dream, consider its symbolic meaning. Numbers have held symbolic significance across cultures, religions, and belief systems for centuries.

Reducing Numbers to Single Digits

If the number in your dream has multiple digits, reduce it to a single number for symbolic interpretation:

  • For example, 451 = 4 + 5 + 1 = 10 = 1
  • Or, 1965 = 1 + 9 + 6 + 5 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3

Numbers and Their Archetypal Energy

According to Carl Jung, numbers represent archetypal energies from the collective unconscious and symbolize different stages of spiritual growth. In myth, legend, and fairy tales, numbers play an important role as ‘root symbols’ of unconscious wisdom and spiritual understanding.

Interpreting the Order and Multiplicity of Numbers

The order of numbers in your dream may suggest the prioritization of events or projects in your life. It might also indicate the need to make calculated decisions or signify that time is running out.

Numbers could also refer to size, scale, or multiplicity, such as a large event, a complex situation, or an experience involving many people.

Odd and Even Numbers in Dreams

It's worth noting that odd numbers are considered aggressive and ‘masculine,’ while even numbers are seen as tranquil and ‘feminine.’ This distinction could influence how you interpret the numbers in your dream.

See Also: Letters, Communication, Mind, Body, Spirit, Shapes, Time


In the symbolic system, numbers are not purely quantitative terms, but “key ideas” with a specific characterization for each one. However, these representations are unknown to most people, so in oneiric terms, the numbers tend to symbolize simply calculation, accuracy, and order. Our dreams, in this sense, remind us that we live in a rather chaotic state.

It is a call to find internal order. On the other hand, depending on the number shown, the dream manifests different stages of your spiritual growth and the various archetypal energies of the collective unconscious. Zero is the unmanifested void and the indescribable vastness of space, without time limits. Its symbol is the circle, the perfect whole. One initiates the action.

It is the source of life or the unity of creation.

It is associated with the figure of the point. Two is diversity.

It is the number of duality and divine symmetry. Thanks to him, opposites meet, such as male and female, father and mother, yin and yang, or heaven and earth. In Ancient Greece, three was the perfect number.

It is the combination of body, mind, and spirit. Its shape is the triangle, which represents creative force.

It can also refer to the Holy Trinity. The symbol of the number four is the square. This is the number of stability and harmony. Furthermore, it connects the seasons, the four elements and the four mental functions that Jung described (thought, feeling, sense, and intuition). Five represents the link between heaven and earth. Its symbol is the pentagon. Six symbolizes inner harmony and perfection. Its figure is the hexagon or the Star of David. Seven is the number that completes things. In the myth of creation, the world is formed in six days and on the seventh is completed. According to an old belief, the soul is renewed every seven years. Hence breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck, as the mirror represents the soul. Eight, for the Chinese, is a lucky number that brings good fortune. It represents rebirth and new beginnings. In India, nine is the number of God, of life, and of death. In the West, it represents eternity. Finally, ten is considered the number of law, due to the Ten Commandments.

Sacred books, such as the Bible, contain many numerological references. Numerology is the study of the mystical meaning of numbers. Originally, it was based on the Hebrew and Greek alphabets: each number was assigned a letter. By adding numerical equivalents of the letters of names, or the numbers of birth dates, they obtained a lot of information. Through this practice, you can find the personality, qualities, and the fate of each. Sometimes Numerology has been applied for the interpretation of dreams. There are certain human traits associated with each number. One is the initiation; two, attractiveness; three, communication; four, the love of home; five, experience; six, calm; seven, philosophy; eight, business; and nine, freedom.


You are tapping into your structural thinking and getting a glimpse of the building blocks of all reality. Math and numbers are behind all of how life is constructed.

The movements of the earth, moon, and other planets are geometrical in nature. Music is simply math expressed as tone. Digital technology reduces various data to numeric sequences and then converts it back to its original form. Our need to describe physical phenomena led us to create nine whole numbers that, in different sequences, can express anything from gravity, to the speed of light, to the way visitors can identify which house on the block is yours. When a number is featured in a dream, there is a rich symbolic meaning hidden in it. You can use the fundamentals of numerology as a way to understand what a dream with numbers might mean.

If there is more than one digit involved, add all the values together until you arrive at a final single number. For example, if an address is 115 Main Street, you would add one plus one plus five and get seven. There is an elegant evolution present in the archetypal interpretation of the numerical sequence, which can be considered a sort of journey. We started the journey alone in the infinite (one), discovered opposites and relativity (two), invented creativity (three), built a foundation (four), expressed freedom (five), partnered with another (six), went inward to find spirituality (seven), and expressed and enjoyed the rewards of the outside world (eight), and now we come to a close (nine). Each of these numbers is elaborated upon in the individual entries.


Spiritual Meanings of Numbers and Their Vibrations

Each number has a spiritual meaning, a special vibration, and a symbolic message to you. Add numbers together to get your symbol (example: a 28 is 2 + 8 = 10, 1+0=1). Individual numbers are:

Number Interpretations

  • 1 - New beginnings, oneness with God, unity of life.
  • 2 - Balance of masculine and feminine energies; or balance in some area of living is needed.
  • 3 - Trinity, mind-body-spirit harmony; dream has a spiritual message.
  • 4 - Balance of energies with a partner; growing in perfect balance.
  • 5 - Change taking place now or very soon.
  • 6 - Guidance, White Brotherhood (teachers of truth); 6-pointed star symbolizing perfect balance of man, 3 chakras above and 3 below heart center.
  • 7 - Mystical number marking beginnings and endings, cyclic periods for growth and development: 7 chakras, 7 days to create world, 7 heavens; every 7 years is a death and rebirth cycle.
  • 8 - Cosmic consciousness, infinity.
  • 9 - Completion, ending of the old; triple trinity.
  • 10 - New beginning with experience, a higher frequency of understanding.
  • 11 - Power to creatively express dynamic balance of self; higher expression of 2. Master number.
  • 12 - Powerful unit of energy; as 12 disciples, 12 months, 12 signs of the zodiac. Cycle for growth and development. Also, meaning of 3, the trinity.
  • 22 - Spiritual expression of balance and integration with self and others; higher level of 4, master number.
  • 33 - Spiritual teacher; double trinity; master number.
  • 40 - Mystical energy; time needed to totally recharge, renew the body; change to higher perception.
  • 0 - Wholeness, perfection, as the circle.

See Also: Numbers, Symbolism, Vibrations


Interpreting numbers that we see in dreams may be difficult. Their meaning my be very personal, such as a reflection of financial concern or any other area of daily life represented by numbers. One way to interpret numbers is to try to see how they are specifically related to you.


If you have the number 25 in your dream. Your house number is 12 while your parent’s number is 13. Together they make 25, and this dream could have been addressing issues in regard to you and your parents.) On the other hand, numbers in dreams may represent global concepts and point to collective dilemmas. Some interesting interpretations would include the following: See also: Zero. Even numbers might represent the feminine while odd numbers the masculine. 2 - psychic development and doubling; something new coming up with the potential for building. 3 - the trinity; it is an active or a process number (something is going on in the psyche). 4 - completion and femininity. 5 - life force; refers to the five fingers and five appendages of the body. 7 - sacred number in Christianity and Judaism; the highest stage of illumination and spirituality. 12 - represents time and may mark the most important cycles in life.


(See Also: by individual number, Clock)

Duration of time: Hours, days, weeks, months, and years before something comes to fruition.

Personally significant numbers like birthdates or anniversaries that engender specific feelings and memories, or accent personal needs.

Counting: Pacing yourself, following a set routine without diverting. Alternatively, the number reached could indicate the number of people or situations you regularly “count on.”

Fractions in dreams represent seeing only part of a greater picture. Before you make a decision here, make sure you get your facts straight and read the fine print.

Xumbers appearing out of sequence portray chaotic undercurrents in life caused by procrastination or the lack of organization.

Upon what do the numbers appear? This object may help interpretation.

For example, numbers on a house may equate to a real address that you know. Numbers on a calendar might be a special date in your life. Those appearing on an odometer might counsel you

to slow down a bit so that you don’t wear out your engine (See Also: Ca?-), and those on a telephone could be a nudge to call someone specific with whom you’ve been avoiding communication.


Dreaming of seeing specific numbers requires referring to the meaning of those numbers in numerology. When you dream of numbers, write them down as quickly as you can. This involves seeing a house with a number on it, a calendar with a date circled, a license plate number, or any kind of number where you can see the figures clearly. Space here does not permit revealing all the ins and outs of the meanings of numbers, but here are the meanings in a nutshell: 1 - leadership; 2 - diplomacy; 3 - vision; 4 - accomplishment; 5 - adventure; 6 - teaching; 7 - investigation; 8 - problem solving; 9 - healing. Remember that in numerology, if you see a number of more than one digit, such as 326, you add up the digits, as in 3 + 2 + 6 = 11, then 1 + 1 =

Then you look to the meaning of the final number, in this case, “”

To dream of numbers that you can’t remember after you awaken indicates that confusion and uncertainty lie ahead, and it’s important for you to get your details in order - or, your priorities set and in motion.


Hen numbers are drawn to our attention in dreams they can have either a personal or a symbolic significance. Often a number will appear that has personal meaning, such as a particular date, or the number of a house we have lived in. Our minds will often retain the significance of the number even though we do not necessarily consciously remember it ourselves. Spiritually, as we progress we put ourselves in a position to make the best use of the vibratory effect of numbers. It has long been accepted that by combining numbers in certain ways, influence can be brought to bear on our environment.


Only a general guide can be given here, as the meaning of numbers in a dream varies according to the context and other details which should be correlated, but if you had the rare experience of being aware of the number of people (or things) in your dream, it signifies an increase in personal power and/or prestige.

To dream of numbers which you cannot recall on awakening predicts a period of confusion and surprises regarding the affairs of others; to remember the numbers in your dream forecasts good luck ahead possibly connected with the dreamed number or some derivative or multiple of it.


Numbers appearing in dreams are important and you should try hard to remember them, especially if several numbers come together (See Also: Chapter6, “Dreaming For Profit”).

The meanings and associations of individual numbers are as follows:

Zero: Harmony; unity.

One: Solitude; loneliness.

Two: Happiness; the perfect couple.

Three: Dispute; arguments.

Four: Choices; decisions.

Five: Balance.

Six: Exploration; outgoing.

Seven: Luck and blessings.

Eight: New beginnings; new life.

Nine: Family and children.


Numbers can have a personal or symbolic signifi­cance.

For instance we may have had three children, so the number three in a dream about children could be connected with our feelings or fears about them—although three has generally been seen as the troublesome triangle in love, or the child, mother, father threesome. So a number may refer to a particular year of one’s life, the number of a house, the months or years that have passed since an important event, your family group, or merely have a general significance.


Numbers pervade our experience of the world, so they can have a complex range of different meanings.

The number one, for example, can represent everything from oneness to aloneness. Two can represent both togetherness and opposition.

A dream about numbers that does not emphasize a particular number can be alluding to the meaning of any one of a number of different idioms: “your number is up,” “a numbers game,” “crunching numbers,” or “to have someone’s number.” (See Also: Seven, Six, Sixteen).


Numbers remembered dreams often represent something deeply significant from the dreamer’s real life.

The numbers could represent a date (for example, 112 could mean 1- the month of January, 12- the 12th day). Or, they might represent the age of a person you know, the time that an important event happened, and so on. Try to relate the dream numbers to your real life and see where they match.

If you are worried about money in real life, dreams of numbers can be a reflection of this.


Numbers and computations in dreams present esoteric solutions to problems Phone numbers or numbers on checks, for example, may be added and their sums used to decipher a message.

For instance, M333” may represent the power of the trinity, and its sum, nine, represents completion. Therefore, the meaning may be deciphered as the completion of psychological issues in relationship to your spiritual power. Numbers may also point to the ages of the dreamer that point to subconscious secrets.


When dreaming about numbers, pay attention to their symbolic meaning—often the sum of the digits is meaningful. Numbers always represent an ordering principle in the world of the dream. Jung suggests that when dreaming about numbers that have no noticeable meaning, you think about whether they might refer to a year or any other time or date.


Material aspects: Many people do not realize that numbers can be extremely significant in everyday life.

A knowledge of numbers will enhance your ability to interpret your dreams successfully.


To dream of numbers connotes unresolved matters in business dealings that cause anxiety and disappointment.

For interpretation of a specific number, kindly look up Dream Themes: Numbers.


Freud believes that numbers in a dream have Offerings and vows to the divinity signify a desire to return to virtue and divine love (Gypsy).


Psychological / emotional perspective: Symbolically, numbers have some kind of significance in all systems of belief and religions.


To count the Number of persons present in your dream foretells power, satisfied ambition, and dignity. Luck numbers : 3, 7, 9, 11 and 17.


To dream of numbers, denotes that unsettled conditions in business will cause you uneasiness and dissatisfaction.

See Also: Figures.


See Also: the particular number: Four, Nine, etc.


(See Also: Counting)


Lucky Numbers and Their Interpretations

Lucky numbers: 06-10-22-34-38-40

General Meanings:

  • Arabic numerals, of: dignity in their completeness and sympathy.
  • Checking: your appetite will create enemies if you own the cuisine.
  • Counting: unsettled business conditions require definite, decisive actions.
  • Of people: will be in command of your affairs.
  • Without finding the correct: will be deceived by your own incompetence.
  • Dreaming of figures and remembering the: will win if you gamble just a little.

Individual Numbers:

  • 1: Self-ambition, passion, communication, versatility, and reason. Examine your ideas, then communicate them.
  • 2: Final end to a romance. Diligence, care, perfectionism, and unpopularity with less meticulous people.
  • 3: Fascination with religion, diplomacy, sensitivity, but also indecision. Make up your mind and your point tactfully.
  • 4: Great power, determination, force, passion, and obsessive jealousy. Good balance of emotion and feeling.
  • 5: Happiness in married life. Study of learning. Optimistic member of justice.
  • 6: Perfection in work, sensual emotion directed at stability, long-lasting relationship, wedding ceremony.
  • 7: Efficient and active during life. Tactless expression of feelings not shared by less adventurous people.
  • 8: Complete conservation of property.
  • 9: Affliction and happiness.
  • 10: Happiness in the near future.
  • 11: Will struggle with litigation.
  • 12: Will have the best of everything.
  • 13: Will treat things with contempt.
  • 14: Will incur loss because of others.
  • 15: Will have a merciful disposition.
  • 16: Happiness and love.
  • 17: Dishonor and shame.
  • 18: Will become accustomed to fatigue.
  • 19: Unhappiness.
  • 20: Will be severe and strict.
  • 21: Everything will work out as planned.
  • 22: Will discover the secret of a scientific mystery.
  • 23: Revenge.
  • 24: Will receive rudimentary doctrine.
  • 25: Birth of an intelligent child.
  • 26: Business will be very beneficial.
  • 27: Will be firm and have a good mind.
  • 28: Will receive love and affection.
  • 29: Will attend a wedding.
  • 30: Will become a celebrity.
  • 31: You have active qualities of power.
  • 32: Pure in design and expression.
  • 33: If a man, will be honest; if a woman, will have a miscarriage.
  • 34: Love for glory.
  • 35: Harmony in the family and good health.
  • 36: A genius will be born.
  • 37: Affection between loved people.
  • 38: Will have an excessive desire for gain.
  • 39: You are envious of others.
  • 40: Number of days it takes to totally recharge your body.

Numbers 41 to 50:

  • 41: Deprivation of good name.
  • 42: Short unfortunate trip.
  • 43: Will attend a church service.
  • 44: Will become an influential person.
  • 45: Loss of virginity.
  • 46: Will have big productive powers.
  • 47: Long and happy life.
  • 48: Will go to court to receive a judgment.
  • 49: Will receive affection from a person of the opposite sex.
  • 50: Will forgive each other.

Higher Numbers:

  • 60: Will become a widow.
  • 70: Will be introduced to a prominent person.
  • 71: Worship of nature.
  • 75: Change in the temperature of the world.
  • 77: Will receive a favor from a friend.
  • 80: Number of days it takes to go around the world.
  • 81: Will soon become a drug addict.
  • 90: Will become blind in the near future.
  • 100: Will receive a divine favor.

Special Numbers:

  • 1095: Will be depressed because of loneliness.
  • 1360: Will be vexed.
  • 1390: Will soon be persecuted.
  • 360: Change of residence.
  • 666: Enemies are laying a plot for you.
  • 1000: Will receive clemency.


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by [Back to dream]
  2. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  3. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  4. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  5. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  6. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  7. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  8. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  9. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by [Back to dream]
  10. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  11. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  12. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  13. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  14. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  15. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  16. Ariadne's Book of Dream by [Back to dream]
  17. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  18. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Symbols and Analysis by [Back to dream]
  20. The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]
  21. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  22. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  23. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  24. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  25. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  26. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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Learn more about the meaning of Numbers 1-12

$10(in pocket): God-Mind always available • 20: Anger • 60: End of series of cycles • 50’s: Centering yourself.• 8: Angelic frequency.• 911: Emergency situation; call f...

Learn more about the meaning of Numbers, Symbols, Miscellaneous

There are three double digit numbers that require special emphasis. These are the numbers eleven, twenty-two and thirty-three. They are called master numbers because they are thoug...

Learn more about the meaning of Master Number

What did you dream of last night? What did you see and whathappened in those dreams? Convert your dreams into Lucky Numbers to take on this weeks draws, they could help you get...

Learn more about the meaning of Lucky Numbers

A to Z Dream Interpretation