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132 Common Dreams

one-hundred-thirty-two-common-dreams image One hundred thirty two common dreams - Dream Interpretation & Meaning


To dream of acorns and that you eat one denotes you will rise gradually to riches and honour. If you do not eat it and throw it on the ground, you will quickly get rich, but another will enjoy your property.


To dream that you have committed adultery shows great contentions and debates. However, to dream that you resisted the temptation shows victories over your enemies.


To dream you meet with an adversary denotes that you will overcome some obstacle to your happiness. If you are a lover, you will conquer a powerful rival and be happy.


To dream you ride an ass that bears your blows, and the more you beat it, the slower its pace, denotes that you will be married to a virtuous, industrious wife, but your passion will ruin her. If the ass mends its pace under your blows and throws you, she will prove incontinent.


To dream you are at the altar and receive the holy sacrament is a very unfavourable omen, denoting many heavy and severe afflictions.


To dream that you see cloudy air, which then becomes clear and serene, denotes one part of your lifetime will prove unhappy, while the latter part will be the opposite.


To dream you are angling betokens loose desires in the male, such as seeking opportunities of inveigling some innocent female.


To dream that you are in a passion and angry with someone denotes you have many enemies. If you are in love, a rival may be slandering you to your sweetheart. If you dream someone is angry with you, it is more favourable. If you are in love, your sweetheart will fall sick, and you will experience some weighty loss.


To dream you see angels is a sign that someone is near you. If a pregnant woman dreams of them, she will have a good time, perhaps twins.


To dream of seeing apples, and eating sweet and ripe ones, is a sign of prosperity, especially for virgins. If they taste sour, it signifies sorrow and unhappiness.


To dream that your apparel is proper and suited to the season denotes prosperity and happiness. Dreaming you are dressed in new clothes is a favourable sign, portending honour and success in your undertakings.


To dream you see a ghost is very unfortunate. If it is of a comely aspect and dressed in white, it shows deceit and temptation to sin. If you are in love, it is a sign that you are not loved in return and are friends with someone who is actually an enemy.


To dream that your arms are withered and decayed shows that the person will decline in health or fortune. If they appear plump and strong, you will meet with unexpected prosperity. If your arms are broken, you will lose a dear friend. If your right arm is cut off, you will lose a male relation; if the left, a female.


It is good for a rich man to dream of being in authority.


To dream of bacon denotes the death of a friend or relation and that enemies will try to harm you. In love, it signifies disappointment and discontent.


To dream of eating barley bread betokens health and great comfort to the dreamer.


To dream you are in a boat on clear water is very good, indicating joy and prosperity.


To dream a bullock pursues you warns of a powerful enemy, especially if the dreamer is a female. If it is a cow, a female is your enemy.


To dream you bathe in clear water means you will prosper and everything will go well. If the water appears muddy, you will meet shame and sorrow.


To dream that you are in bed implies that he or she will be married at the end of the month.


To dream you see a great quantity of loaves denotes success in life. Dreaming that you are eating good bread means you have many friends.


To dream of bees stinging you denotes a loss of good character. If you are in love, it signals trouble with your sweetheart.


To dream of dancing at a ball denotes that you will be addressed by a lover, which will be a momentary pleasure, but he will become your husband with certainty.


To dream of being buried or seeing a friend buried foretells a serious illness.


To dream that you are in a church and that the parson and pulpit are in white, and the sermon is to your taste, means you will soon be married. If the parson is in black and the congregation sings a hymn, it denotes grief.


If a man dreams of a cat and caresses her, but she scratches him, it shows his sweetheart is spiteful. If a female dreams similarly, it shows she has a rival.


Dreaming that a clock falls or breaks denotes danger, especially to the sick. It is always better to dream of counting the hours of the forenoon than the afternoon.


To dream you eat cheese denotes profit.


To dream that you make a cake signifies joy and prosperity.


To dream of clear burning coals denotes prosperity, especially in love. Coals in their natural state indicate trouble and discontent. Extinguished coals signal the fall of fortune or the death of a close friend.


To dream you are climbing a tree and reach the top means you will rise to preferment or succeed in love. If you climb a steep hill, it foretells many difficulties in life.


To dream a candle burns bright and clear denotes a pleasing letter from your sweetheart. If the blaze dims, you will be disappointed.


To dream of crowns denotes riches and honour.


To dream you are playing cards denotes that you will soon be in love. If you hold many court cards and are single, you will soon be married and happy.


To dream you are gathering ripe corn promises success, but if the corn is blighted or mildewed, you will suffer great losses.


To dream of carrots denotes prosperity in life. If you have children, they will thrive, and if you are in love, your suit will be successful.


To dream you are in a dairy, skimming cream from milk, and that your sweetheart partakes of the cream, denotes luxury. If he drinks the milk, it signifies frugality.


To dream you are in the dark signifies affliction and loss in trade. To get out of darkness into light is a sign of rising to eminence or escaping imprisonment.


To dream of death denotes happiness and long life. Seeing death sink into the ground signifies certain death. For the married, dreaming of death implies a loss or second union.


If dogs fawn and fondle upon you in a dream, it is a lucky omen. If they are barking and snarling at you, it means enemies are trying to destroy your reputation. If you are in love, be careful of your sweetheart.


To dream of the devil denotes many troubles. If he appears in fire, immediate misfortunes will befall you. A widow dreaming of the devil after burying a bad husband signals she will have another bad one.


To dream you are dancing at a ball foretells that you will receive joyful news from a long-absent friend. For sailors, it predicts a pleasant and successful voyage. For married persons, it indicates an increase in children and happiness in marriage.


To dream you are drowning or see someone drowning is a good omen and means the dreamer will be preserved through difficulties.


To dream you are in debt and pursued by bailiffs indicates that you will face unexpected difficulties or danger.


To dream of an elephant is very fortunate, denoting the acquisition of riches and a happy marriage.


To dream you see an eagle or hawk perched and they allow you to caress them means you will marry a military man, be it an officer, sergeant, or private.


To dream you see others eating is a bad omen. But if you are asked to eat, and partake of things you like best, some relief will follow.


To dream of eggs is honourable. Whatever you are working on will succeed. To dream of broken eggs signals no children if married. Eating them, however, means many children.


If you see evil spirits in a dream, it is a sign of sickness. If you exorcise them and they vanish, you will overcome your difficulties.


To dream of an earthquake warns you to be cautious. If you see houses tumble, your friends will feel a shock or calamity.


To dream of flies or other vermin denotes enemies of all sorts. Dreaming of killing them is a good omen.


To dream of a fox is a sign of difficulty. Beware of adversaries.


To dream you fall into mire and are covered in filth foretells loss of character or confinement, perhaps imprisonment.


To dream of fire denotes happiness, health, marriage, and children. Dreaming of burning lights descending from heaven is a bad sign, portending a dreadful accident.


To dream you make a sudden fortune is a bad omen.


Dreaming of crossing newly ploughed fields promises misfortune. If the fields are covered with corn, it denotes children.


If you cut your finger and it bleeds, you will receive money unexpectedly. If no blood is seen, a quarrel over money is likely.


To dream you are given something is a sign that good things are about to happen. It also signifies an upcoming marriage.


Dreaming of geese is a good omen, indicating success, riches, and faithful sweethearts.


Walking in a beautiful garden signifies advancement in fortune. Gathering fruit from it signals happiness in marriage and children.


To dream of the gallows is a fortunate omen, showing that the dreamer will become rich and honoured.


To dream of a grave foretells sickness and disappointment. If you are in love, it means you will marry your current sweetheart.


Dreaming of giants is a good omen for those in trade, foretelling a great increase in business.


Dreaming of hail denotes grief and sorrow.


To dream of being hated by friends or enemies is a bad omen.


Dreaming of travelling over steep hills shows you will encounter difficulties. Descending the hill easily means overcoming them.


To dream of building a house is a good omen, denoting success in trade and happiness in love.


Dreaming that you are hunting a fox, and that it is killed, signals trouble caused by false friends. However, you will discover and overcome their plans.


Dreaming of infants signals trouble unless they are playing, in which case it foretells satisfaction from distant parts.


Dreaming of ice is a favourable omen, showing amiability in your sweetheart and success in business.


To dream you are hurt by iron signals that you will suffer damage.


To dream of keys is favourable for those in trade and sailors, signifying gifts and wealth.


To dream of giving a knife signals contention. Giving one to your intended signals the end of a relationship.


Receiving a letter in a dream betokens a legacy or presents. Sending one means you will soon help a person in distress.


Dreaming you climb a ladder denotes a happy marriage and wealth gained through hard work.


Dreaming of clean linen foretells glad tidings, while dirty linen signals poverty, imprisonment, and disappointment in love.


To dream of a lion denotes wealth, honour, and marriage to a spirited woman.


To dream of buying meat signals that friends will assist you in overcoming difficulties and acquiring wealth.


Dreaming of paying money denotes success in affairs, birth of a child, or the gain of a lawsuit. Receiving money means you will thrive.


Dreaming of seeing your mother is a sign of an agreeable adventure and news from a distant friend.


To dream of hearing delightful music is a favourable omen, foretelling joyful news from a long-absent friend.


Dreaming of the moon is a favourable omen, denoting unexpected joy, success in love, and tender affection. The new moon is a good sign for tradesmen, farmers, and lovers, foretelling happiness and success.


Dreaming of monkeys is ominous, indicating deceit in love, unfaithfulness in marriage, undutiful children, malicious enemies, and attacks by thieves.


To dream of nakedness denotes scandal. Seeing a naked woman foretells unexpected honours.


To dream of being ridden by a nightmare is a sign of sudden marriage or being controlled by a fool.


Dreaming of eating oysters indicates future want. Opening oysters shows the need for hard work in business.


To dream of eating oranges implies grief and sorrow.


To dream of seeing fair and white cattle shows virtuous inclination. Seeing fat or lean oxen signals present gain or misfortune.


To dream of being in an orchard foretells wealth through inheritance and marriage to your advantage.


Dreaming of a stately oak signals long life, riches, and gain.


To dream you write on paper signifies that you will be accused of something.


Dreaming of looking at beautiful pictures shows that false appearances will lead you into a disagreeable situation.


To dream of falling into a deep pit shows impending heavy misfortune and false affection from a sweetheart.


Dreaming of seeing a comedy or farce indicates success in business.


To dream of losing a purse is good if it is full but bad if it is empty. Finding a purse is a favourable omen.


Dreaming of quarrelling signals unexpected news and that your sweetheart may marry another.


Dreaming of being in a shower of rain signals great success in your undertakings and constancy in love.


To dream of seeing clear river water indicates good fortune, but swimming in the sea signifies great peril.


Dreaming of rats is a sign of enemies and dangers from false friends.


Dreaming of reading scientific books indicates approaching wisdom.


Dreaming of a flock of sheep feeding denotes success in life.


To dream you see the ground covered with snow is favourable. To a young man, it means he will marry a virgin and have children.


Dreaming of new shoes denotes triumph over enemies.


Dreaming you are swimming with your head under water means you will face great trouble and receive unpleasant news. If your head is above water, it signals great success.


To dream of losing your teeth foretells the loss of a friend by death and upcoming troubles.


Dreaming of being in a tavern, feasting with friends, signifies joy and comfort.


Dreaming of finding a treasure means you will be betrayed by close friends.


To dream of falling into the hands of thieves signifies loss and trouble.


Dreaming of thunder signifies affliction for the rich but repose for the poor.


Dreaming of cutting down trees foretells heavy losses in business. Climbing them denotes advancement in dignity.


Dreaming of being in hollow vaults or deep cellars signifies that you will marry a widow.


Dreaming of drinking vinegar indicates sickness.


To dream of eating victuals signifies a loss of money.


Dreaming of vermin like lice signifies long sickness, but casting them off shows you will overcome troubles.


Dreaming of walking in muddy places foretells sickness and vexation. For a lover, it denotes a bad-tempered, unfaithful sweetheart.


Dreaming of walking in a field of wheat denotes great prosperity and happiness in love.


Dreaming of a wolf signifies a cruel, despotic person. Conquering one means you will overcome a designing enemy.


Dreaming of cutting wood shows you will be happy in your family and become rich and respectable.


Dreaming of weddings while sick foretells death. Marrying a deformed woman signifies discontent, while a handsome person brings much joy.


Dreaming of drinking wine with absent friends signifies a speedy meeting. Drinking it alone signals potential ruin from overindulgence.


To dream of war denotes trouble and danger for all.


Dreaming of drinking water foretells trouble in trade and loss of business.


To dream of being stung by wasps signifies vexation and trouble from envious persons.


To dream of being at a watermill is a favourable omen.


Dreaming of buying or selling wool denotes prosperity and affluence through trade. For a lover, it signifies an amiable, constant sweetheart.


For a man to dream that he sees his wife married to another signals a change in affairs.


Dreaming of high winds and storms shows you will face opposition in love.


To dream of the colour yellow denotes trouble from a female friend and loss of affections.


To dream you are young foretells peace, delight, and the fulfilment of your desires.


Dreaming of bearing a yoke denotes danger. For a woman, it signifies readiness to obey her husband.


Dreaming of a yew tree indicates the funeral of an elderly person, from which you may derive benefit.


Dreaming of zones foretells much trouble. For tradesmen, it indicates imprisonment and loss of goods. For lovers, it signifies unfaithfulness and disappointment.


Sources and Authors

  1. Common Dreams by [Back to dream]

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