To dream that you are smoking cigarettes, means that you are trying to shield yourself and others against your emotions. You have trouble letting others in.
[1]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
To dream that you are smoking cigarettes, means that you are trying to shield yourself and others against your emotions. You have trouble letting others in.
[1]also see Fire1- Smoke in dreams suggests that there is a feeling of danger around, especially if we cannot locate the lire.If we are smoking. we are trying to control anxiety.If we...
Learn more about the meaning of Smoke / SmokingThe interpretation of this symbol, as with all others, depends on your relationship with cigarettes.If you are a smoker or are surrounded by smokers, cigarettes may be a regular pa...
Learn more about the meaning of CigarettesMasculinity; penis. Cigarette: anxiety or release from it; dependence; feeling of having a suppon or help to meet stress; may associate with feelings about cancer. ...
Learn more about the meaning of Cigar, CigaretteCooking without oil or water is lacking spiritual empowerment”...
Learn more about the meaning of Smoking FoodWhether you were offering’ them, smoking yourself, or observing someone else with them, this form of tobacco in a dream is a lucky omen pertaining to prosperity....
Learn more about the meaning of Cigar (or Cigarette)