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Sun Signs And Dreams

sun-signs-and-dreams image Sun signs and dreams - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

The Sun signs of astrology can appear in dreams, through the following correspondences:


  • (21 March-19 April) is the cardinal fire sign, and is dynamic and action oriented. Associated with: soldiers, angry people, athletes; the ram; the owl; Mars; red; tiger lily; ruby; number one; head, brain, eyes, face, teeth; and typical dreams might be set in stadiums or battlefields. The best-known symbol for this first sign of the Zodiac in Western astrology is the ram, the ruling planet is Mars. Aries is influenced by the fire element. People born under the sign of Aries tend to be enterprising, impulsive, warm-hearted and confident free spirits who say what they mean and mean what they say, but they can also be impatient, rash, tactless, excitable and bossy.


  • (20 April-20 May) is the fixed earth sign, and is solid, dependable and sensual. Associated with: singers, lovers, gardeners, models; the bull; Venus; red-orange; mallow; topaz; number two; the neck area, voice, ears, thyroid and cerebellum; and dreams set in a luxurious home or a beautiful setting. The best-known symbol of Taurus is the bull and the ruling planet is Venus. Taureans are influenced by the earth element. Those born under the sign of Taurus are persistent, reliable, loyal and patient individuals with a discriminating taste for quality and the good things in life. The downside is that they can at times be lazy, materialistic and moody.


  • (21 May-21 June) is the mutable air sign, and is changeable, social and a coordinator. Associated with: teachers, talkers, writers, twins; magpies; orange; Mercury; orchid; tourmaline; number three; arms, hands, shoulders, lungs, thymus, nervous system, speech; and typical dream settings might be high-up places. The twins are the best-known symbol for Gemini and the ruling planet is Mercury. Geminis are influenced by the air element. Those born under Gemini are intellectual, natural communicators but they can also be inconsistent and flighty at times. Their endearing zest for ideas and something new sometimes makes committing to anyone and anything problematic.


  • (22 June-22 July) is the cardinal water sign, and is shy, self- protective and nurturing. Associated with: chefs, mothers, carers; crab; turtle; Moon; yellow-orange; lotus; amber; moonstone; number four; stomach, esophagus, pancreas, breasts, womb, ribs, digestive system; and a typical dream setting is of a cottage by the sea. The best-known symbol for Cancer is the crab and the ruling planet is the Moon. Cancerians are influenced by the water element. Those born under Cancer tend to be emotional and empathetic with a wacky sense of humor, but they can be oversensitive and insecure at times.


  • (23 July-22 August) is the fixed fire sign, and is outgoing, an entertainer and warm. Associated with: actors, salespeople, motivational speakers; lion; Sun; yellow; Sunflower; cat’s eye; number five; the heart, spinal cord, circulation, spleen, pulse; and a typical dream setting is a stage. The best-known symbol for Leo is the lion and the ruling planet is the Sun. Leo is influenced by the fire element. Those born under Leo tend to be courageous, vivacious, energetic and natural leaders but they can also be prone to arrogance and be attention seeking.


  • (23 August-22 September) is the mutable earth sign, and is reserved, particular and intelligent. Associated with: dieticians, auditors, priestesses; virgin; Mercury; yellow-green; narcissus; peridot; number six; assimilation, food and diet, intestines, bowels, nails; and dream surroundings that are orderly and neat. The best-known symbol of Virgo is the virgin and the ruling planet is Mercury. Virgos are influenced by the earth element. Those born under Virgo tend to be meticulous, disciplined and analytical. They can appear cool and reserved, but great sensitivity lies behind the detached exterior.


  • (23 September-23 October) is the cardinal air sign, and is elegant, refined and cultured. Associated with: princes or princesses, artists, musicians; scales; elephant; Venus; green; aloe; emerald; number seven; adrenals, kidneys, lumbar region, skin; and the ideal dream landscape is a rose garden. The scales are the best- known symbol of Libra and the ruling planet is Venus. Librans are influenced by the air element. Those born under Libra tend to be peace-loving, agreeable, harmonious people but their natural ability to understand the viewpoint of everyone and fit in everywhere can be interpreted as insecurity and indecisiveness.


  • (24 October-21 November) is the fixed water sign, and is introverted, intense, and magnetic. Associated with: Grim Reaper; dark figures, exotic people; scorpion; eagle; phoenix; Mars; Pluto; blue-green; cactus; turquoise; number eight; bladder, genitals, colon, prostate, uterus, sex organs; and a typical dream setting would be a bedroom. The best-known symbol of Scorpio is the scorpion and the ruling planets are Mars and Pluto. Scorpios are influenced by the water element. Those born under Scorpio tend to be passionate, focused, sensitive and sensual, but they can also be secretive and destructive.


  • (22 November—21 December) is the mutable fire sign, and is adventurous, curious and wise. Associated with: hunters, horseback riders, explorers; archery; Centaur; Jupiter; blue; rush; jacinth; number nine; hips, thighs, arteries, base of spine, pelvis; and a typical dream setting would be scenes around a campfire. The best-known symbol for Sagittarius is the archer and the ruling planet is Jupiter. Sagittarians are influenced by the fire element. Those born under Sagittarius tend to be unconventional, idealistic and visionary with a need to seek spiritual enlightenment, but they can also be reckless and ruthless.


  • (22 December-19 January) is the cardinal earth sign, and is conservative, organized and determined. Associated with: mountain climbers, accountants, bankers; mountain goat; Saturn; indigo; hemp; jet; number ten; bones, skeleton, joints, cartilage; and a dream setting might be an old house at the top of a hill. The best- known symbol of Capricorn is the goat and the ruling planet is Saturn. Capricorns are influenced by the earth element. Those born under the sign of Capricorn are persistent, cautious, self-disciplined, warmhearted and stable, but they can also at times be mean and inflexible.


  • (20 January-18 February) is the fixed air sign, and is humanitarian, unique and interesting. Associated with electricians, conductors, Eskimos; water bearer; man; star; Uranus; violet; olive; chalcedony; number eleven, ankles, calves, circulation, breath, eyesight; and a dream setting might be a cold place or planet. The best-known symbol of Aquarius is the water carrier and the ruling planets are Saturn and Uranus. Aquarius is influenced by the air element. Those born under the sign of Aquarius tend to be idealistic, intellectual, generous, altruistic and unconventional, but they can also be unpredictable and emotionally detached at times.


  • (19 February-20 March) is the mutable water sign, and is dreamy, imaginative and otherworldly. Associated with: religious teachers, monks and nuns, photographers; fish; dolphin; Neptune; red-violet; poppy; pearl; number twelve; feet, toes, lymph glands; and a typical dream setting might be a cathedral. The best-known symbol of Pisces is two fish and the ruling planets are Jupiter and Neptune. Pisceans are influenced by the water element. Those born under the sign of Pisces tend to be intuitive, sensitive and spiritual but they can also be dreamy, impractical and impressionable at times.


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]

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