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Water Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 40 Unique Sources About Water

water image Water - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

Water in dreams often symbolizes emotions, prosperity, life changes, or challenges. Its condition—whether clear, murky, or boiling—affects the interpretation, reflecting emotional states, personal growth, or spiritual purification.

Water is a powerful symbol in dreams, representing life, emotions, prosperity, and spiritual cleansing. The meaning of water can vary depending on its form, clarity, and how it is interacted with in the dream. Below are detailed interpretations of water in different contexts.

Water Representing Prosperity and Life:

  • Water in a dream represents happiness, prosperity, and an increase in income or wealth.
  • Clear, abundant water signifies peace, social justice, and low prices.
  • Drinking a glass of water can mean protection from enemies and a prosperous year.
  • If more water is consumed than usual, it suggests longevity.

Water Indicating Emotional or Physical Distress:

  • Stagnant water signifies imprisonment, distress, or depression.
  • Bitter water points to a bitter life, while murky water represents unlawful earnings.
  • Boiling water reflects suffering and affliction, especially if used during the day.
  • Black water symbolizes destruction, family problems, or even blindness.

Symbolism of Water in Specific Scenarios:

  • Falling into Water: Indicates wealth and prosperity but may also suggest illness if overcome by water.
  • Walking on Water: Represents strong faith and trust in God or taking on dangerous ventures.
  • Pouring Water: Pouring water over a place where it serves no purpose means wasting money.
  • Floods: Symbolize distress, suffering, or corruption, depending on the strength of the floodwaters.
  • Sweet Water: Represents lawful earnings, good health, and a good heart.
  • Saltwater: Represents hardships, distress, or straying from the path of faith.

Water Symbolizing Spiritual and Personal Cleansing:

  • Bathing in cold water suggests repenting from sin or recovery from illness.
  • Fresh, potable water in a dream symbolizes salvation.
  • Pure water gushing from one's mouth represents wisdom and benefit to others.
  • Walking back from water to dry land indicates fulfilling one's desires.

See Also: Distilled water, Earth, River, Walking on water.


Water in Dreams: Symbolism of Emotions, Cleansing, and Life Transitions

1. Water is often seen in dreams as a symbol of emotions and femininity. It represents a mysterious force with the ability to flow around obstacles, wearing them down over time. It may also reflect the dreamer's potential and inner ability to create a new life based on deep personal urges.

2. Water also signifies cleansing, the power to wash away contamination from everyday life. In religious contexts, such as baptism, water purifies sins, including those inherited from family. Entering water in a dream symbolizes the start of something new. Deep water may indicate feeling overwhelmed or connecting with the subconscious.

3. Spiritual rebirth and life-force. Water appears frequently in dreams with many interpretations. Being immersed in water can symbolize pregnancy and birth. Flowing water indicates peace, while rushing water may reflect passion. Deep water suggests the unconscious, while shallow water points to a lack of energy. Descending into water indicates a need to regain strength, while emerging from water signifies a fresh start.

Other Water-Related Dream Images:

  • Bathing: Suggests purification.
  • Canals: Symbolize the birth process.
  • Dams, Islands, and Obstacles: Conscious efforts to control emotions.
  • Diving: Represents exploring the unconscious or finding suppressed aspects of oneself.
  • Drowning: Highlights the risk of being overwhelmed by repressed feelings.
  • Floods: Represent chaotic, uncontrollable emotions that need attention.
  • Fountains: Associated with womanhood and the Great Mother.


A lake or pool symbolizes a transition between the conscious self and the spiritual self. It offers an opportunity for self-reflection and understanding.

Reflection in a Pool:

Reflecting on oneself in water suggests confronting the Shadow, the part of oneself that may be disliked but holds potential for change and growth.

Rivers and Streams:

These bodies of water represent the dreamer’s life and how they perceive its flow. The nature of the river—whether fast or slow, large or small—reflects the dreamer’s attitude toward life.

Sea or Ocean:

The sea often represents cosmic consciousness, the chaotic origin of life. It holds all knowledge, though our fear of its depths may obscure this understanding. A calm sea suggests peace, while a stormy sea reflects passion and emotional turbulence.

See Also: Distilled water, Earth, River, Walking on water.


Water in Dreams: The Symbolism of Changing Tides, Emotions, and Spiritual Flow

(See Also: Flood, Fountain, Ice, River, Rain, Snow)

Changing tides: Among the Teutonic people, different tides carried unique meanings. The tide just before sunrise symbolizes introspection, while the one at dawn represents fertility and new beginnings. Noon tides speak of persistence, dusk tides suggest transformation, night tides edify, and midnight tides bring healing.

An ocean: Symbolizes the earth’s womb and the beginnings of humankind. It also represents the vast subconscious, superconscious, or the Jungian Collective Unconscious (See Also: Abyss).

Native American perspective: Water in dreams often indicates your spiritual state. Flowing water reflects calmness, while troubled water suggests inner turmoil.

Moving water: The flow of visible and invisible energies in life.

Baptism: Represents new life, forgiveness, and the cleansing of old thoughts and behaviors (See Also: Baby).

Bathing: Cleansing yourself of emotional "dirt" like guilt, anger, or repressed feelings (e.g., feeling “dirty”).

Hot water: Symbolizes upcoming trouble. Pay attention to potential conflicts (See Also: Temperature).

Drowning: Reflects overwhelming emotions or circumstances, potentially threatening your individuality. It may also symbolize a memory from a past life (See Also: Choking, Suffocation).

Floating: Indicates dependence on feminine energy or skimming the surface of your spiritual potential without fully diving in.

Stagnant water: Represents unhealthy situations that hinder personal growth.

Shallow water: Suggests a fear of confronting deep emotional issues or represents a shallow personality.

Tidal waves: Powerful emotions or instincts building up, needing expression before they overwhelm you.

Surfing: Balancing intuitive and conscious aspects of the self while riding life’s emotional waves.

A geyser: Represents a sudden outpouring of creativity, inspiration, or spiritual gifts.

Life preserver: Wearing one symbolizes getting a second chance at something important in life.

Ripples: Reflect the energy we send out unconsciously, touching everything and everyone around us.

Lakes: Symbolize the search for hidden wonders and the mysteries beneath the surface of reality.

See Also: Flood, Fountain, Ice, River, Rain, Snow.


The Symbolism of Water in Dreams: Emotions, Life, and Change

Psychology: Water often represents the unconscious desire to return to our mother's care. It is a symbol of life, feelings, fertility, and abundance, with its meanings depending on the condition of the water.

Emotional State: Clear water signifies pure emotions and peacefulness, while muddy water suggests personal or health complications. Large waves may indicate feeling out of control, and rivers can reflect the pace of your emotions, whether calm or anxious.

Water Conditions: Dirty and stagnant water symbolizes insincerity in your feelings. A lake or stream suggests emotional passivity. Fine rain represents fertility and success, while heavy rain hints at unfulfilled desires and conflicts.

Meanings Based on Water Condition:

  • Fresh water: Fortune and health.
  • Boiling water: Anger or illness.
  • Muddy water: Obstacles in business.
  • Stagnant water: Illness or death.
  • Flowing water: Good luck and health.
  • Saltwater: Tears.
  • Walking on water: Triumph.
  • Bathing: Sign of innocence.

Water Dream Analysis: Lucia's dream of a paradisiacal island with clear waters turning stormy represents her initial joy in a new relationship, followed by a warning of emotional overwhelm. The flooding waters symbolize her blossoming emotions, while the island reflects her individualism being threatened by romance. This dream reflects emotional tension from new experiences and the risk of being overcome by emotions.

See Also: Boat, Shipwreck, Ship.


The Symbolism of Water in Dreams: Emotions, Moods, and Flow of Feeling Energy

Water in dreams often symbolizes emotions, moods, and the flow of feeling energy. Because of its fluid nature, water can represent how we relate to our emotions. For instance, we can feel 'drowned' in overwhelming emotions or refreshed by them. Water also embodies our potential to experience many emotions, as it can take any shape or move in various ways. How we interact with water in dreams reflects how we handle our emotions and moods.

Examples of Water in Dreams

Example 1: "I am in deep water, no evidence that it is the sea. I am wearing my heavy brown coat. I have no fear, no feeling of cold, and I pleasantly just sink." (Mrs B). Mrs. B is in her 80s and is preparing for death in her dreams. The water in her dream has a womblike feeling, suggesting that she senses death as a return to a nurturing, womblike state, with the possibility of rebirth.

Example 2: "I was then standing in front of a series of glass water tanks. I had apparently written an article about the balance between intellect and emotion, showing their equal value. The tanks had water flowing through them with a series of valves. Some tanks were beautifully clear and colorful, showing balance, while others had weed growing in them, indicating imbalance." (Anthony F). Anthony’s dream illustrates how water can symbolize emotions and body sensations, showing the balance or imbalance between intellect and emotion.

Example 3: "I was in a hospital ward, maybe for children. In the ward was a large oblong tank full of water. I got into the water and realized all the sick people bathed in it. I felt revulsion, thinking I would absorb their sickness, but I also thought that if I drank the water, it would show the patients a positive attitude toward their illness, helping them heal." (Anthony F). This dream reflects Anthony’s exploration of health-related anxieties, showing how a positive attitude can help overcome childhood fears.

Water Dream Interpretations

  • Entering water: Entering into strong emotions, such as in a relationship or new job.
  • Deep water: Represents the depths of one's inner life and feelings.
  • Hot water: Strong emotions such as anger or jealousy.
  • Electricity and water: Powerful emotional reactions like jealousy or anger.

Idioms related to water: make water, muddy the waters, tread water, water something down, turn on the waterworks, water under the bridge, hold water, in hot water, head above water, pour cold water on something.

See Also: Fluid, River, Rain.

See Also: Fish, Sea Creatures.


The Emotional and Psychological Symbolism of Water in Dreams

Psychological / emotional perspective: Water in dreams symbolizes our emotions under various circumstances, making it a potent and evocative image. Here are some representations of water in dream interpretation:

  • Bathing: Suggests purification.
  • Canals: Symbolize the birth process.
  • Dams, islands, and obstacles: Represent conscious attempts to control the force of water, and therefore, our emotions.
  • Diving: Going into the unconscious, seeking suppressed parts of ourselves.
  • Drowning: Indicates pushing things into the unconscious, only for them to reemerge as powerful forces.
  • Floods: Represent chaotic emotions, often uncontrollable and overwhelming.
  • Fountains: Symbolize womanhood, particularly the Great Mother archetype.

Lakes, Pools, and Rivers in Dreams

A lake or pool signifies a stage of transition between the conscious and spiritual self. Encountering one unexpectedly can offer an opportunity for self-reflection. Being reflected in a pool suggests the need to come to terms with our shadow self, which, when accepted, can provide energy for change.

Rivers or streams always represent the flow of our lives. Our perspective determines whether we see our life as a large river or a small stream. Rushing rivers may suggest that life is moving too quickly, while a deep or frightening river might indicate that we are creating unnecessary difficulties for ourselves.

Seas, Oceans, and Emotional Depth

Seas or oceans often represent cosmic consciousness—the original chaotic state from which all life emerges. A shallow sea suggests superficial emotions, while waves represent strong emotions and passions. A calm sea indicates peace, while a stormy one signifies either negative or positive passion. Being conscious of tides highlights the awareness of time and the ebb and flow of our emotions.

Waterfalls and Overflowing Water

Waterfalls symbolize emotions reaching a point where they must 'spill over' to become manageable, signifying the release of emotional pressure.

See Also: Flood, Fountain, Ice, River, Rain, Snow


Understanding Water in Dreams: Symbol of Emotions and the Unconscious

Universal Landscape: Emotion. The unconscious.

Dreaming Lens

What was the body of water? How large, small, manageable, or fearsome was it? Were you in the water, or did you consider jumping into it? Were you wet or in danger/fear of becoming so? Were you drinking it? Was the water natural or contained in man-made constructions, from cups to pipes or even aqueducts? Was the water related to the weather?

Personal Focus

Water is symbolic of emotions. On a biological level, this is evident through the connection between emotional expression and tears. The human body is primarily made up of water held together by protein-based structures. When we cry, we lose some of that water in a stream emanating from the eyes. While we do not fully understand why we cry, we do so when deeply moved. This mysterious leakage of water is akin to the feelings of loss that accompany it.

Symbolism of Water in Dreams

If all water is viewed as a symbolic representation of emotions, both conscious and unconscious, the structure that the water takes in your dreams informs you of the size and scope of the emotions being illuminated.

As a general rule, weather-related water connects to conscious emotional expression and flow, whereas bodies of water contain some element of unconscious emotions. Rain and storms occur in the atmosphere and often over land, symbolizing the emotional content of the conscious mind. Large bodies of water, especially those that are only partially visible, represent hidden emotions of the unconscious mind.

Control and Movement of Water

When water is contained in any form, the dreamer’s impulse to control some element of their emotional nature is expressed. Violent movement of water, such as rapids, waves, riptides, and storms, represents the overwhelming power of emotional material. Your response to these images indicates your level of fear, resistance, or willingness to engage with your emotions.

Water and Emotional States

Being thirsty or drinking water could indicate a need for emotional nourishment. Drowning in water might symbolize unmanageable emotions or fear of suffocation from emotional expression. A waterfall suggests how feelings can cascade down upon us suddenly with great force, which may be exhilarating or overwhelming. Water used for cleaning, from laundry to personal grooming, indicates the need for emotional healing by working directly with unresolved emotional issues.

See Also: Flood, Fountain, Ice, River, Rain, Snow


See Also: River, Sea, Ocean. This dream symbol can be interpreted on five different levels:

(1) on the sexual level

(2) on an emotional level where your own emotions are perceived as undifferentiated and flowing

(3) as a fear of flooding, being drowned by the unconscious

(4) as a feeling of going with the flow

(5) as a feeling that life is chaotic.

This symbol is also the desire for a totally new orientation.

In alchemy, water is connected to feelings; it represents the wild nature of the soul in need of being conquered. Water is the place where the souls of the dead meet the spirits of the water; it is a place of repression, of secrets with unknown depths and an element of rapture. It can tear us away and sweep us off, and it can be very frightening. Water is the symbol of what is changeable. Diving into the water means to seek wisdom. Whoever looks into the water always sees the Self.

Water symbolizes women, the process of birth and pregnancy. Running water means experiencing sexuality in a positive sense. Standing water means losing vitality and your very center. Or it might mean, as in Pond and the fountain of youth, that water is the carrier of life’s energies and rejuvenation. Out of this understanding might have come the ritual of baptism.

Falling into the water means being swept away by emotion; hut this may also he a warning dream, pointing also to Diving and Drowning.

According to the Chinese understanding of nature, water is a symbol of the elemental, female force of yin.

For the Taoist, water is the essence of life, its movement an example for a life lived in harmony with nature.

The holy water in the Catholic Church and the water used for baptism represent the healing powers of water.

According to Freud, a water dream is often the memory of our life in our mother’s womb. And again, according to Freud, to come out of water represents the image of birth. Water for him was always connected to birth.

See Also: Baptism, Swimming, Bath, Diving, Tears, Drinking, Birth(rebirth).


General Meaning: The force that brings about the washing in our lives.

The Word of God and the anointing are both depicted by Water in the Scriptures.

• Positive: Being washed with water speaks of being cleansed and of putting things behind you. It also speaks of being cleansed from your sin.

• Water is a picture of the anointing. John 4:14 Water is also a picture of the Word of God, and how it sets us free from the dirt in our lives.

• Ephesians 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the [rhema] word, • To water something means to nurture it and to give it life.

If you are in ministry, then it means that you should be watering the seeds that have been planted in the hearts of God’s people.

• This is primarily a teaching function, just as Apollos functioned in.

• 1 Corinthians 3:61 have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

Negative: Water that is bitter or dirty speaks of a contamination, likely stemming from bitterness.

• It speaks of those that really do have a ministry, but unfortunately are in deception. They have allowed some things in their life that are not of the Lord.

• To dream of being in unclean water speaks of the things you are getting involved in.

• Instead of walking in the spirit, by getting involved with these things or feeding on things that are not of God, you are contaminating your spirit.

• It could also indicate that the ministry you have been receiving is not pure and directly from the Lord. Some of it is tainted with the flesh and man’s ideas.

• When I train God’s leaders I share how the Lord takes them through training to get rid of their own ideas.

• The revelation and the anointing that God gives is pure when it comes from your spirit. However if your mind is filled with things of the world or your own ideas, you end up tainting that word. Then what comes out is only a part Christ, and the rest is your own ideas!


Baptism, Basin, Ocean, River, Wash.


Water is the universal symbol for emotions. How water looks and behaves in a dream is very significant. Here are some meanings for different water dreams: A dream of drinking cold water is a sign of good luck. Throwing or spilling water on anyone indicates a need to control your temper. Hot water foretells a season of social setbacks. Hearing or seeing running water predicts lasting happiness. Rising water indicates rising emotions.

A waterfall in your dream forecasts a happy rise in social status. Turbulent, choppy waters, in which a dreamer fears being swamped or drowning, symbolizes that you are being overwhelmed emotionally. Tidal waves may symbolize specific threats that loom in the distance. Being caught in a swift moving current suggests being swept up in your emotions. Cloudy water suggests lack of emotional clarity. Gently flowing water promises contentment and peace of mind. Clean, clear water suggests good sense and emotional clarity.

If you dream that you are able to breathe underwater, you are open to unconscious feelings and psychic awarenesses.

If you dream of having the power to control water, this symbolizes your spiritual and intellectual growth. You are not using your full potential - you have considerable energy and mental abilities, and you need to start using them to put your thoughts into action. Controlling water in a dream may also indicate a need to control your temper better.

To dream of walking on water means that you have supreme control over your emotions. It may suggest that you should keep your emotions contained, so they don’t explode. This dream can also symbolize faith in yourself.


Water is the ultimate symbol of emotions in a dream. It also connects to things that rise up out of the unconscious mind. In fact, it could be said that emotions themselves are evidence of something that is occurring in the unconscious mind. In this way, water connects to both emotions and the unconscious. Human beings are made up of a great deal of water, and the welling up of feelings can cause this precious liquid to leak inexplicably out of your eyes in the form of tears. In this way, the presence of any water in a dream is asking you to consider the emotional side of your nature.

The larger the body of water, the more feelings the dream is expressing.

If the water is potentially overwhelming or dangerous, as in a tidal wave or waterfall, then the sense of danger must be added to your interpretation, as we are often afraid of feelings when they are greater than we think we can handle. Feelings flow and so does water, so the quality of movement of the water in your dream is pointing out the way in which you are experiencing your emotions.

A slow creek is like a small amount of emotional flow that is significant but sustaining and calming.

A raging river is more like the force of feelings that are much more intense and, if not navigated well, can be dangerous to your sense of well-being. Rain is the most like tears, and weather patterns in dreams that involve water may be pointing out the way you are experiencing or avoiding the easy flow of emotions associated with some current life experience.


To dream of clear water, foretells that you will joyfully realize prosperity and pleasure.

If the water is muddy, you will be in danger and gloom will occupy Pleasure’s seat.

If you see it rise up in your house, denotes that you will struggle to resist evil, but unless you see it subside, you will succumb to dangerous influences.

If you find yourself baling it out, but with feet growing wet, foreshadows trouble, sickness, and misery will work you a hard task, but you will forestall them by your watchfulness.

The same may be applied to muddy water rising in vessels.

To fall into muddy water, is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes, and will suffer poignant grief therefrom.

To drink muddy water, portends sickness, but drinking it clear and refreshing brings favorable consummation of fair hopes.

To sport with water, denotes a sudden awakening to love and passion.

To have it sprayed on your head, denotes that your passionate awakening to love will meet reciprocal consummation.

The following dream and its allegorical occurrence in actual life is related by a young woman student of dreams: ``Without knowing how, I was (in my dream) on a boat, I waded through clear blue water to a wharfboat, which I found to be snow white, but rough and splintry.

The next evening I had a delightful male caller, but he remained beyond the time prescribed by mothers and I was severely censured for it.’’ The blue water and fairy white boat were the disappointing prospects in the symbol.


Material aspects: Water is usually taken in dreams to symbolize all that is emotional and feminine. Water can also stand for our potential and our ability to create a new life for ourselves in response to our own inner urgings. Water also represents cleansing, being able to wash away the contamination that we may experience in everyday life. Water appears so often in dreams as an image, with so many different meanings, that it is possible only to suggest some probable ones. Entering water suggests new beginnings and being immersed in water is a return to the womb and can suggest pregnancy and birth. Flowing water signifies peace and comfort, while rushing water can indicate passion. Deep water suggests the unconscious and can also indicate that we feel out of our depth, while shallow water represents a lack of essential energy.

To be on the water (as in a boat) can represent indecision or a lack of emotional commitment, while to be in the water but not moving can suggest inertia. Going down into water indicates a need to renew one’s strength, to go back to the beginning, while coming up out of the water suggests a fresh start.


Vision: Water dreams are always a symbol of a cleansing process and emotional stirrings.

If the water is clear, it means luck at work and in your private life.

If the water is muddy: don’t get involved in a questionable transaction—you are fishing in murky waters. Drinking freshwater: you are very healthy and will reach a ripe old age.

If the water is unsettled: expect the next few days to be likewise. Seeing your image reflected in the water: you are only fooling yourself. In a woman’s dream, luxuriating in water is a sign of a healthy attitude toward sex and an overall positive disposition.

See Also: Fish, Lake, Ocean, Pond, River.

Depth Psychology: Water is the symbol of life-giving and life-preserving energies and always a sign of your emotional state.

The condition of the water tells whether your emotional state is positive or negative.

The color of the water is also important (See Also: the chapter“Colors in Dreams”).

See Also: Swimming.


Dreams about water are associated with emotions, sexuality, cleansing, healing and that you are exploring the infinite depth of your unconscious mind. You are connecting with the essence of your being, and are going with the flow. Because water is associated with the cycles of the tides, it is also associated with your feminine energy. So, if you dream of water spilled all over the floor, then this represents that your feminine side, emotions or creativity are feeling out of control.

If water is contained in a glass or jar, then you may be feeling that your feminine side, emotions or creativity is being suppressed.

If water is flowing, as in through a hose or river, then this symbolizes that you feminine side, emotions and creativity is in full flow. Keep in mind, that you are, after all, comprised of 90% water.

See Also: Moon or Ocean.


(See Also: Baptism, Bath, Drowning, Fountain, River, Sea, Tidal Wave, Well)

(1) Water may symbolize emotion or psychic energy.

It is therefore important to notice whether the water is free-flowing or stagnant (or frozen: see Ice), clean or foul.

(2) Water is a common symbol of fertility, growth, creative potential (especially if it takes the form of a reservoir or still lake), new life, or healing.

(3) It is also a symbol of the unconscious, especially if it is deep.

(4) It is a feminine symbol, representing either your own femininity (whether you are male or female), or your mother.

It is therefore important to note your reaction to the water in your dream. Are you afraid of water in real life? This may mean you are afraid of women (if you are a man), of your mother, or of your unconscious.


The meaning, of course, depends on the de- tails and the action, but as a general guide, clear calm water is a favorable omen, while rough or murky wa- ter signifies difficulties. A dream of drinking cold water is a! sign of good luck, but throwing or spill- ing it on anyone indicates a need to control your temper. Hot water (unless it is appropriate to the ac- tion) portends a season of social and/or business set- backs, but running water predicts lasting happiness. A waterfall in your dream forecasts a happy rise in status and/or an imminent increase in material wealth. Gently flowing water promises contentment and peace of mind.

See Also: Bath, Bathing, Swim, Drown, Wash, Ocean, River, Lake, etc.


Water is such a life giving force that it symbolizes the flow of life energy itself.

It is a rather mysterious substance, given that it has the ability to flow through, over and round objects. It has the quality of being able to wear away anything that gets in its way. It can symbolize spiritual rebirth. In baptism, water is a cleanser of previously held ‘sins’, often also those inherited from the family. You might also like to consult the entries for boat / ship, drowning, emotions, lagoon / lake and swimming as well as the information on great mother and shadow in archetypes in the introduction.


(See Also: Ocean)

If the dreamer is drinking water, this is a symbol for enjoying life.

If the dreamer is at presently in bad circumstances, dreaming of drinking water implies that good times are ahead.

Clear, calm water portends happiness, while river rapids or crashing surf implies rough times on the horizon.

A waterfall, particularly if there is also a rainbow in the dream, indicates success, happiness, and wealth coming into the dreamer’s life. Astrological parallels: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Tarot parallel: The suit of cups


Water is a very common but powerful dream symbol. Its meaning varies with the details and the mood of the dream. Water is a deeply spiritual symbol representing the “water of life” or the “flow of life.” Large bodies of water usually represent our unconscious minds or/and soul experiences. Water symbolizes emotions (rough, smooth, clear, murky, etc.). Freud thought that since fluids are involved in sexual activities, at times, water in dreams has sexual connotations.

See Also: Ocean, Rain, River


Dreaming of clear water is a sign of great good luck and prosperity, a dream of muddy water foretells sadness or sorry for the dreamer through hearing of an illness or death of someone he/she knows well. Dirty water warns of unscrupulous people who would bring you to ruin. All water dreams, other then clear, has a bad omen connected to it and should be studied carefully and taken as a true waning.


An element that is associated with the emotions and the subconscious, water reflects our responses to emotional issues. It represents the fluid movement of creative energy as waves or npples coming onto the shore of the conscious mind. In a dream, water represents hidden emotions that need to become fluid and made conscious before being released.


To dream that you are drinking water signifies that you are actually thirsty, even though sleeping.

To see clear water augurs prosperity. Muddy water warns of illness.

To play in water, a desire to be loved. Rough water, difficulties before success. Jumping into water, a hope for another chance or opportunity.

See Also: Drowning, Lake, Ocean.


1. If clear and clean, indicates that problems can be solved.

If water is muddy the problems are more difficult to solve.

If dirty, then much difficulty lies ahead.

4. Birth.

5. Rescue.

6. The unconscious.

7. The womb.

8. Sorrow.

9. Emotions.


You see water spilling out from a boiling pot: you will achieve financial success that is beyond your dream • You drink water: you’ll have money luck • You keep drinking water: you’ll have a great financial success • You


Water is a very common symbol for the emotions.

A large body of water like a sea or a lake is often a symbol for the unconscious. Because sex involves fluids, Freud viewed water in dreams as a sexual symbol.


A maiden may look forward to a sudden awakening to love if she dreams of playing in the water.

A dream of having water sprayed on the head, or; being rained on, is a sign of a coming violent love affair.


Water is essential to life. In the universal language of mind, water symbolizes the emotions, and the everyday situations and circumstances that arise bringing opportunities for enrichment.


Clear, cold water is a sign of good health. Warm or dirty water indicates illness.

To empty water out of a vessel shows you have an unhealthy appetite and need to watch what you eat.


Peaceful, clean water is empowerment of the holy spirit, including cooking, cleaning, etc.; Dangerous or polluted is a warning


If it is dear and calm, or sparkling, water is a splendid dream for those who are in the business of selling food.


To drink clear water, a favorable dream; thick or muddy, unfavorable (Gypsy).


Emotional energy. Whether clean, murky, still or choppy shows emotional state.


Symbolic of the word of God and sanctification, Eph. 5:26


This indicates birth (of some person).




Represents your life.


To dream you are drinking water, denotes great trouble and adversity; in trade, loss of business, and being arrested. To the lover, it shows his sweetheart is false, prefers another, and will never marry him.


Lucky Numbers and Dream Interpretations

Lucky Numbers: 14, 18, 23, 29, 32, 36

Aqueduct and Water Flow

  • Aqueduct, much water flowing through: Will receive a fortune from parents.
  • Being built: Postponement of success.
  • Repaired: Will realize high ambitions.
  • Being bloated with water: Desire to return to the womb is being thwarted.
  • Being thrown into the aqueduct: Strenuous internal dialogue in your mind; reconciliation will take both sides.

Boiling and Hot Water

  • Boiling water: Passions must be moderated.
  • Hot water: Will be molested and persecuted by enemies.
  • Jumping into very cold water: Persecution.

Water Containers and Spilling

  • Carrying water into the bedroom: Will be visited by a man with loose morals.
  • In a jug without spilling: Avoid trusting others with valuables.
  • Spilling water: Difficulties in retaining wealth through an unfavorable deal.
  • In a leaky container: Abuse of confidence and theft by insidious means.
  • Spout of water: You worry too much for no reason.

Cascades and Fountains

  • Cascade, being alone near: Success will pour down on you because it’s within you.
  • With a loved one: A love affair beyond remembering will be hidden in the cave beneath.
  • Drawing water from a fountain: A beautiful young wife will bring fortune.

Dirty and Muddy Water

  • Dirty water: Don’t settle for the first offer; let the air settle.
  • Muddy water: The repercussions of being unable to collect money will settle in a few days.
  • Throwing dirty water away: Troubles created by others must be fixed by you.

Health and Water

  • Drinking blessed water by a priest: Wish to wash away your sins and have purity of soul.
  • Spring water: Refresh yourself every day for your health.
  • Mineral water: Will recover from illness to complete health.
  • Running water: Your health will improve greatly.
  • Smelly water: Great struggle to resist the odors of sickness.

Emotional Water Symbolism

  • Face mirrored in water: Perfect yourself, then move on to enjoying others.
  • Fire with, dousing a: Cool down your thought process.
  • Objects floating in water: Connotations of explicit sex.
  • Refreshing water: Renewal when you receive what you have been anxiously awaiting.
  • Whirlpool of water: Will be pulled unwillingly into a confrontation.

See Also: Flood, Fountain, Ice, River, Rain, Snow


Sources and Authors

  1. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  2. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  3. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  4. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  5. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  6. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  7. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by [Back to dream]
  8. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  9. The Way of Dreams and Visions by [Back to dream]
  10. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  11. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  12. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  13. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  14. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  15. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  16. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  17. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  18. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by [Back to dream]
  20. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  21. Encyclopedia of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  22. Ariadne's Book of Dream by [Back to dream]
  23. Psycho Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  24. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  25. Chine Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  26. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  27. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  28. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  29. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  30. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  31. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  32. The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]
  33. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  34. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  35. Indian Interpretation of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  36. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  37. Expansions Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  38. The Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  39. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

99 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about water related.

To dream of a waterfall, foretells that you will secure your wildest desire, and fortune will be exceedingly favorable to your progress....

Learn more about the meaning of Waterfall

1. Longing for leisure times, summer.2. Pregnancy.3. Sexuality. ...

Learn more about the meaning of Watermelon

To dream of a water lily, or to see them growing, foretells there will be a close commingling of prosperity and sorrow or bereavement....

Learn more about the meaning of Water Lily

To see water-carriers passing in your dreams, denotes that your prospects will be favorable in fortune, and love will prove no laggard in your chase for pleasure.If you think you a...

Learn more about the meaning of Water-carrier

1. Hard work.2. Use whatever is available, however sim­ple, to achieve one’s goals. ...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Mill

To dream of drinking mineral water, foretells fortune will favor your efforts, and you will enjoy your opportunities to satisfy your cravings for certain pleasures. ...

Learn more about the meaning of Mineral Water

(Noria) In a dream, this type of water wheel which is used to raise and discharge water from a low level stream into a higher ground means help, assistance, keeping one’s promise...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Wheel

(bot. Nasturtium officinale) Watercress is the legume of the dwellers of hell-fire.If one sees it in a dream, it means that he follows the conduct of the dwellers of hell-fire....

Learn more about the meaning of Watercress

Symbolic of good words and life, Prov. 10:11 ...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Fountain

One’s personal situation rests on their faith; see “bed” and “water”...

Learn more about the meaning of Water-bed

1. One feels self-confident.2. Willing to take risks. ...

Learn more about the meaning of Water-skiing

Washing a deceased person with boiling water in a dream means that the latter is already sufferingfrom hell in his own grave.(Also see Hot water)...

Learn more about the meaning of Boiling Water

Washingone’s dirt with hot water in a dream means benefits. Drinking hot water from the boiler in a dream means sickness, stress, depression, or a scare by evil spirits.(Also see...

Learn more about the meaning of Hot Water

(Drink one’s fill, Quench one’s thirst, Irrigation) To drink one’s fill after being thirsty in a dream means satisfaction and ease in one’s business, end of one’s diffic...

Learn more about the meaning of Watering

To dream of a tank denotes that you will find happiness in marriage.To dream that the tank is full is an omen of prosperity, but if the tank is empty then will you experiences loss...

Learn more about the meaning of Tank (water, Etc.)

Symbol of fertility. In fairy tales it also symbolizes virginity—the dreamer’s emotional energies. Positive psychic energies, dedication. Expressing purity. Fairy tales and myt...

Learn more about the meaning of Spring (water)

You will have continuing good health and a steady income, with little change over many years....

Learn more about the meaning of Watermill

To dream of salty water on your tongue may indicate a need to release sadness and the physically shed tears.To be standing in water suggests that an old emotional wound may be hold...

Learn more about the meaning of Salt Water

If you dream of throwing water balloons, then you are playing games with your emotions, and trying your hand at manipulation. Dreams of a water balloon signify compartmentalized fe...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Balloon

interpreted upon 5 sides: truthful certainty, strength, difficult matter, intimate friendship with the superiors, work from the side of an authority....

Learn more about the meaning of Waters

A picture is a memory of substance, and the water implies a blessed memory; see “water”...

Learn more about the meaning of Water-color

1. Willing to take a risk.2. Able to face the unknown. ...

Learn more about the meaning of Waterslide

If one sees himself drinking cold refreshing water from the regular water tab in a dream, it means comfort and joy.(Also see Drink)...

Learn more about the meaning of Cold Water

Falling into deep waters and not reaching the bottom of it in a dream means prosperity and wealth, for the world is a deep ocean.A sudden fall into water in a dream also means joy ...

Learn more about the meaning of Deep Waters

In a dream, distilled water represents beautiful children or noble children. Seeing distilled water in adream also may signify acquiring knowledge from learned people who practice ...

Learn more about the meaning of Distilled Water

If a person dreams that he has drawn water from the well and given it to people to drink, it means he will be a means of providing livelihood to orphans, the weak and poor. It also...

Learn more about the meaning of Drawing Water From A Well

Drinking clean water from a river suggests that he will enjoy a certain ni’mah and bounty of Allah and live a clean and pure life....

Learn more about the meaning of Drinking Clean Water From The River

If a person dreams that he is drinking sea water and the water is not turbid or muddy nor are any waves seen in such waters it means he will acquire as much of the wealth of this w...

Learn more about the meaning of Drinking Sea Water

If a person sees himself drinking dirty or muddy water from a river it means he will suffer grief, anguish and heartache, the extend depending on the amount he drinks of such water...

Learn more about the meaning of Drinking Unclean Water From The River

Consuming clean, sweet water in the dream means he will enjoy a clean and happy life provided he does not know its quantity nor is he aware of himself being in a state of tuhr nor ...

Learn more about the meaning of Drinking Water

Drawing water from the well and seeing impurities and filth in such water means the person doing so will pollute his wealth with haraam wealth....

Learn more about the meaning of Giving People Water To Drink

Swimming in troubled waters or in high tides in a dream means adversities, or having to face a strong opponent....

Learn more about the meaning of Troubled Waters

Walking on water in a dream represents one’s strong faith, certitude and trust in God Almighty. This is particularly true if while waking one also speaks words of wisdom. Otherwi...

Learn more about the meaning of Walking On Water

If water is made to flow from a well it means a person will spend his wealth in a manner bringing no benefit or harm to him....

Learn more about the meaning of Wasting Water

If a person sees that he has taken water by cupping his hands and such water becomes ice it means the wealth he has accumulated will remain intact with him....

Learn more about the meaning of Water Becoming Ice

If a person dreams of himself as holding or possessing water contained in a dish or bowl and he is conscious of himself as being in a state of tuhr (ie. Ceremonial purity) or on a ...

Learn more about the meaning of Water In A Dish Or Bowl

A tumbler or glass symbolizes one’s wife and the water symbolizes a son provided one does not drink the water.If a person sees himself as watering an orchard or irrigating a land...

Learn more about the meaning of Water In A Glass Tumbler

Boarding or sitting in a vessel filled with water suggest grief, sorrow, anxiety, calamity, imprisonment or sickness. But the ultimate result will be deliverance and salvation....

Learn more about the meaning of Water In The Vessel

In a dream, a water jug means travels, or it could represent a woman who becomes pregnant then have a miscarriage or abortion.The water represents the fetus and the jug represents ...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Jug

(Artificial lake; Farm pond; Ombrometer, Ombrograh, Pluviometer, Rain gauge, Reservoir) The water level of an artificial lake or a reservoir in a dream represents God’s mercy,...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Level

Watering a herd in a dream means profits from travels....

Learn more about the meaning of Watering A Herd

Drawing water from the well and irrigating the roots of a tree means the person will utilize his wealth in bring up orphans and educating them....

Learn more about the meaning of Watering A Tree

(Water) A watering hose in a dream means rain, or watering the grass or the garden plants.A watering hose in a dream also represents positive developments in one’s life, or it co...

Learn more about the meaning of Watering Hose

Emblematic of war, trouble, and woe, Isa. 15:9 ...

Learn more about the meaning of Bloody Water

Symbolic of a spiritual river, Ezek. 47:5...

Learn more about the meaning of Deep Water

Refreshing, good news, Prov. 25:25...

Learn more about the meaning of Ice Water

Symbolic of spiritual apathy, Rev. 3:15 ...

Learn more about the meaning of Lukewarm Water

This is symbolic of impure doctrine, stagnant living, or a spoiled and foul environment, Prov. 25:26...

Learn more about the meaning of Muddy Water

A symbol of a person’s heart, Prov. 4:23. If the water is clear it symbolizes purity of speech.If the water is dirty it symbolizes deceit. Springs may also symbolize the blessing...

Learn more about the meaning of Springs Of Water

Symbolic of spiritual apathy, Zeph. 1:12...

Learn more about the meaning of Stagnant Water

A man-made cistern may symbolize trusting in things other than God, Jer. 2:13 ...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Tower

A sexual symbol.If you are crawling through the pipe yourself, it is a symbol of birth.If the pipe is clogged up, it usually points to a problem with freely expressing your feeling...

Learn more about the meaning of Pipe (water / Sewage Pipe)

Abundance, wealth. Or economical distribution of your energies, as in Faucet. According to Freud, this is a phallic symbol, because what flows out of the “spout” brings about f...

Learn more about the meaning of Watering Can

Shooting a water pistol at someone in a dream may indicate a need to let off steam without injuring the other person. It may represent playful aggression....

Learn more about the meaning of Water Pistol

Pulled by a boat on the surface of the water, the dreamer who is waterskiing may be experiencing the force of someone else’s decisions pulling him or her. Falling while water- sk...

Learn more about the meaning of Waterskiing

It is a sfgn that you will have a good digestion if you dream of drinking soda....

Learn more about the meaning of Soda Water

Faithful friends, if the stream is clear. Otherwise, be careful. ...

Learn more about the meaning of Brook Or Running Water

Danger in love affairs, especially if you pick them from the water....

Learn more about the meaning of Water-cress

Your wish is out of reach; do not try to gain it, lest further loss ensue....

Learn more about the meaning of Water-lilies

If you dream of a water tank that is clean and fresh, then it represents your inner state of being, your vitality, aliveness, health and well-being.If the tank is dirty, then this ...

Learn more about the meaning of Tank (water)

If you dream of jet skiing, water skiing, surfing, or of participating in any water sport, then you are attempting to master or get control over your emotions and your understandin...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Sports

whoever sees in his sleep that there is a canal with him, if there was a ferrule in it then a child will be born to him. And if there isn’t ferrule in it, a young girl will be bo...

Learn more about the meaning of Canal / Waterway

interpreted upon 11 sides: Woman, [male] servant, young girl & straightness of religion, goodness of body, long lifetime, wealth, blessing, good, prosperity, inheritance from the d...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Jar / Container

interpreted upon 5 sides: a man helpful to the people, rich man or collected wealth, or scholar that serves the people by his knowledge. And contingently indicative of / signifies ...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Tub / Reservoir / Tank

If you dream of having the power to control water, this symbolizes your spiritual and intellectual growth. You are not using your full potential - you have considerable energy and ...

Learn more about the meaning of Control Water

To dream about holy water signifies spiritual needs, beliefs and the need for guidance. It also symbolizes chastity, purity and abstinence....

Learn more about the meaning of Holy Water

Dreaming of gleaming new pipes denotes intelligence and good fortune. Old and broken pipes represent ill health or difficult times at work or school....

Learn more about the meaning of Pipes (metal Pipes For Water / Sewage)

If you dream of aiming or shooting a water gun at someone, you them to notice your feelings.If you dream that someone confronts you with a water gun, maybe they are trying to tell ...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Gun

To see a water hose in your dream, represents renewal, rejuvenation and cleansing. You need to heal your emotional wounds so that you can continue to grow as a person. Alternativel...

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To see or be in an water park in your dream, symbolizes that you need more fun and adventure in your life. It also suggests a need to expand yourself spiritually and open your mind...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Park

Dreaming of a water slide indicates a sense of instability in some real life situation.If you are scared going down the slide, you may feel overwhelmed by emotions or problems rela...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Slide

To see a waterbed in your dream, suggests that have come to recognize and accept your emotions. You are beginning to understand aspects of your unconscious and to let repressed str...

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Related to murky colored water, watercolor shows that we have a very distorted perception of ourselves, possibly caused by emotional confusion. In order to overcome the impasse, yo...

Learn more about the meaning of Watercolor

Any image that relates to water is about your emotional experience. Hot water implies the addition of anger or other passionate sensibilities. Keep in mind that a water heater has ...

Learn more about the meaning of Water Heater

Dreams about animals in water are symbols of our emotions. Water is a symbol of emotion because water, like emotion, constantly moves and flows. How the animal moves within the wat...

Learn more about the meaning of Animals In Water

In this nightmare with a happy ending, a child may dream that they are drowning and unable to reach the surface to breathe. Then, incredibly, just as they realize they are going to...

Learn more about the meaning of Breathing Under Water

A tomato should more strictly be termed a fruit, but most people assume it is a vegetable. In dreams, it may suggest recovery, good health and renewed strength. Turnips, by contras...

Learn more about the meaning of Tomatoes / Turnip / Watercress

The waterfall always finds a way to flow over the rocks. If one pops up in your dream it’s a sign that you also need to find your own way. You may be restricted in some way, or f...

Learn more about the meaning of Waterfalls

To dream you are admiring this pretty bird leaping about, is an indication that you will be called upon by one whom you admire to take a short excursion on the water, either on boa...

Learn more about the meaning of Water-wagtail

To dream that you are looking at a waterspout, is an indication that trials and troubles are about to visit you with nearly overwhelming violence....

Learn more about the meaning of Waterspout

Just as the physical earth is made up of past events—the trees and leaves, the plants and creatures that have lived and crumbled into the dust of the soil—so the earth of your ...

Learn more about the meaning of Digging / Growing / Watering

In dreams, water is a common theme and its association with the fluid of the womb and its role in evolution make it an archetypal symbol in the dreamer’s emotional life.Water is ...

Learn more about the meaning of The Element Of Water

Unlike rivers and seas, lakes, lagoons, pools, ponds and puddles are typically still, so if they feature in your dream, they could be reflecting your emotional calm.If a lagoon app...

Learn more about the meaning of Still Waters Run Deep

Dreams of a waterfall or rapids may be referring to birth, especially ones in which you are swept along in a warm stream of water through a tunnel and emerge into a pool or lagoon,...

Learn more about the meaning of Waterfall / Fountain / Spring / Rapids / Well

The lotus or water lily was regarded in ancient Egyptian mythology as the primal flower, the source of creation. In Buddhism, it is the symbol of the individual’s spiritual devel...

Learn more about the meaning of Lotus / Water Lily

A to Z Dream Interpretation