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Yeast Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 15 Unique Sources About Yeast

sleeping boy Yeast - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

1. Sin;

2. The Kingdom of Heaven;

3. Teaching that corrupts;

4. Represents the unclean; 1 Cor. 5:6; Lev. 10:12; ) Matt. 16:6.

I discovered that certain symbols can tell you if there is a financial blessing coming your way, dreaming of certain fruit, wheat and animals indicate this.

Bread with watermelon and strawberry jam

I had this dream of my parent’s home, in a dream I am at my parents home outside in the neighbors front yard. A young man came out of the neighbor’s house and gave me two whole slices of brown bread pack withwatermelon and strawberry jam in my left hand.

I looked in dismay as the jam ran out of the bread and it seems more wants to run over. I must get this bread on a plate. I went into the kitchen and found my mother who already passed on.

Mom can you give me a plate please, she gave me a small white plate that can hardly fit the bread. “No mom, I want a big plate”. End of the dream

Dream symbols

My parents home, neighbors, man, brown bread, watermelon, strawberry jam, jam running over, kitchen, Mother, small plate, big plate.


MY PARENTS HOME/ past, memories, freedom

NEIGBOURS FRONT YARD/ present, future

MAN/ messenger,

BROWN BREAD/ provision

WATERMELON/season/ word/prosperity/

STRAWBERRY JAM/ heart’s desire/ abundance

JAM RUNNING OVER. / vats shall run over

KITCHEN /preparation

MY MOTHER /answer to prayer church, Holy Spirit


BIG PLATE- increase, enlarge your territory

This dream took place the 12th August 2012. It speaks of a season of provision and blessing, within the same week more than fifteen thousand was deposited in my bank account. During September we received an inheritance, with that provision we paid of our Bond to our home. Having said this, October 2012 a large sum from an unexpected source was deposited in my bank account and it is not over yet because there was watermelon on the bread in a time of winter. Watermelon is a summer fruit. (Seasonal) It is my season and yours! Claim it in Jesus name. Watermelon is one of those symbols finances is coming your way!

Remember that dreams are allegorical- literal interpretations should always be the last to consider! Look for word plays on names, look at what the person’s name means, who they are relationally to you etc.

People is the symbol that is the most difficult to understand in personal dreams. Because the dream is personal—for you and about you—people are symbolic and are not those you know in real life. People we know well and/or relatives often represents a characteristic of the dreamer while those we do not know, represent something external to the dreamer.

When you dream about people, ask yourself what this represents to you. Let us take a baby. What does a baby do? Babies keep you busy. A new baby may signify something new, a new ministry or a job. A baby will die without any help, in other words it is helpless, and an older baby may represent growing spiritually. Hannah could not have children she prayed and received her miracle. Always remember the Holy Spirit is your best teacher

To see a man whom you know in a dream represents a messenger bringing both good and bad news. An approachable, kindly stranger also represents a counselor, advisor, friend, encourager or someone who has come to help you.

A Woman Is Often Symbolic of the Holy Spirit in a Dream. A woman symbolic of the Holy Spirit of God will have a soft, glowing look to her complexion, strikingly beautiful full head of shiny white hair and wearing bright white clothing. There will also be a glow about the symbolic woman and/or a luminous aura around her face. She can be portrayed as an older woman figure you recognize.


1- Yeast is accepted as a substance which both lightens food and makes it palatable. At the same time it changes the substance and texture. In dreams it represents ideas or influences which can irrevocably change our lives or situations, often for the better.

2- Yeast ferments and thus it becomes one of the symbols of growth and unconditional love.

3- Yeast can be symbolic of the steady growth towards the realisation and beauty of natural love.


Seeing a bowl of uncooked dough could also be a warning to watch out for the leaven. Jesus says it well in this Scripture: • Matthew 16:6 Then Jesus said to them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

• In this case, leaven is seen as legalism, works and false teaching. Just one part of leavens, leavens the whole dough.

See Also: Bake, Bread


Although the meaning is similar to that of SWELLING, generally this is a positive dream that reveals a dynamic state and wellbeing manifested in the positive results of a task.

It is also related to maternity and the desire to procreate.


Dreams of yeast represent that you are realizing that in which you invest your energy will raise, grow, and manifest. You have the ability to lift off, perk up and rise above your circumstances.


What drives us; the important, small things in life.

Folklore: Money that you have saved.


Wealth from an unexpected source is the message contained in a dream featuring yeast in any form.


Money which has been accumulated by thrift will be left to you under strange conditions.


A little yeast is as infectious to bread as a little indiscretion to a good reputation


Ideas or intangible influences which can yet change one’s life or situation.


Ingredient within that causes growth and expansion. Rising to the occasion.


A dream symbolizing the stirring of discontent (Gypsy).


Symbolic of hypocrisy, Matt. 16:6


lf a young housewife dreams that she is kneading bread with yeast, she may conclude that she will be the mother of a large family of children.


lucky numbers: 14-16-28-30-35-37

baking with: wil receive money under strange circumstances.

bread with: abundance wil rise out of your creative spirit.

buying: unusual wealth from the smal est investment.

of: money accumulated by thrift wil be left to you.


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