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Zodiac Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 21 Unique Sources About Zodiac

zodiac image Zodiac - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

Zodiac Signs and Their Symbolic Meanings in Dreams

The zodiac wheel, often associated with horoscopes, holds symbolic significance in our dreams. Each zodiac sign represents different qualities and governs specific parts of the body. The appearance of zodiac symbols in dreams can offer insights into self-discovery and how we relate to the universe.

1. Journey of Self-Discovery

Images or symbols from the zodiac may appear in dreams as we begin our journey of self-discovery. The animal or creature linked to our own star sign often acts as a reminder of our basic principles. How we deal with this symbol can provide insights into how we truly feel about ourselves.

2. Zodiac and Time

The zodiac wheel also symbolizes our relationship with the universe, representing time or the passage of time in dreams. These symbols may suggest certain courses of action. For example, dreaming of a girl riding a goat might indicate a need for perfection (Virgo) through persistence (Capricorn).

Each zodiac sign also rules a particular part of the body, and dreams can sometimes highlight potential imbalances in these areas.

3. Spheres of Influence and Zodiac Signs


Symbol: The Ram | Body Part: Head

Colour: Red | Gemstones: Amethyst, Diamond


Symbol: The Bull | Body Part: Throat

Colours: Blue, Pink | Gemstones: Moss Agate, Emerald


Symbol: The Twins (Masculine and Feminine) | Body Parts: Shoulders, Arms, Hands

Colour: Yellow | Gemstones: Agate, Beryl


Symbol: The Crab | Body Part: Stomach, Higher Digestive Organs

Colours: Violet, Emerald Green | Gemstones: Moonstones, Pearls


Symbol: The Lion | Body Parts: Heart, Lungs, Liver

Colours: Gold, Orange | Gemstones: Topaz, Tourmaline


Symbol: The Virgin | Body Part: Abdomen, Intestines

Colours: Grey, Navy Blue | Gemstones: Pink Jasper, Jade


Symbol: The Scales | Body Parts: Lumbar Region, Kidneys, Skin

Colours: Blue, Violet | Gemstones: Opal, Lapis Lazuli


Symbol: The Scorpion | Body Part: Genitals

Colours: Deep Red, Purple | Gemstones: Turquoise, Ruby


Symbol: The Archer | Body Parts: Hips, Thighs, Nervous System

Colours: Light Blue, Orange | Gemstones: Carbuncle, Amethyst


Symbol: The Goat | Body Part: Knees

Colours: Violet, Green | Gemstones: Jet, Black Onyx


Symbol: The Water-Bearer | Body Parts: Circulation, Ankles

Colour: Electric Blue | Gemstones: Garnet, Zircon


Symbol: The Fishes | Body Parts: Feet, Toes

Colours: Sea-Green, Mauve | Gemstones: Coral, Chrysolite

See Also: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces


To dream of the zodiac as a whole shows a great interest in your fellow humans; an inquiring and active mind.

To dream of any particular sign, you must consider the general astrological meanings.

The common Romani interpretations are as follows:

Aries: Leader; pioneer. Sometimes impatient and overly ambitious.

Taurus: Hard worker. Great strength (and proud of it); perseverence.

Gemini: Adaptable. Knows a little about a lot of things. Gift for languages.

Cancer: Extremely sensitive. Homelover. Follower of tradition.

Leo: Extrovert. Sense of the dramatic. Great lover

Virgo: Conservative. Critical; analytical. Best of planners or organizers. Intellectual.

Libra: Has intuition and foresight. Peace loving, with great sense of justice.

Scorpio: Has tenacity and determination. Great self- control but too fine an opinion of self. Can be jealous and demanding.

Sagittarius: Knows no fear. Kind and gentle, yet outspoken and direct.

Capricorn: Ambitious; matenalistic. Fear of inadequacy. Can be greatly depressed or incredibly happy.

Aquarius: The planner; always looking ahead. Independent. Honest and kind, but difficult to understand.

Pisces: Sensitive; noble. Can be vague and overly optimistic. Excellent diplomat.


The zodiac is always a positive dream: it announces peace and bliss in all personal spheres. Studying the zodiac will result in great benefits by establishing relations with influential persons; by dominating the zodiac, a social and occupational rise without precedent in life.

If you dream of your own zodiac sign, it is likely a representation of yourself.

If the other figures appear, you should pay attention to the qualities that they symbolize and their relationship to your own life or personality.

Some oneiric oracles claim that dreaming of zodiac signs foretells that you will soon emigrate.


To dream of the zodiac is a prognostication of unparalleled rise in material worth, but also indicates alloyed peace and happiness.

To see it appearing weird, denotes that some untoward grief is hovering over you and it will take strenuous efforts to dispell it.

To study the zodiac in your dreams, denotes that you will gain distinction and favor by your intercourse with strangers.

If you approach it or it approaches you, foretells that you will succeed in your speculations to the wonderment of others and beyond your wildest imagination.

To draw a map of it, signifies future gain.


Psychological / emotional perspective: Hidden information often comes to us through dreams. As we become more knowledgeable these symbols tap into arcane wisdom which allows us to live our lives in tune with the universe.

The spheres of influence of the planets were first described by plato and modern astrology stills tend to follow his teachings. By then using the correspondences we can harness the energy of the zodiac in everyday life – its colours and gemstones. Below are some of the most important correspondences:


Material aspects: Everyone has a fascination for horoscopes, without necessarily understanding the significance of the zodiac wheel.

It is often only when we begin the journey of self-discovery that images and symbols from the zodiac will appear in dreams. Frequently, the animal or creature associated with our own star sign will appear, almost as a reminder of basic principles.

The way we deal with that image will give us insight into how we really feel about ourselves.


Where an animal or figure of one’s birth sign—such as a lion in a Leo’s, bull in Taurean’s, twins in Geminian’s dream—appears, this frequently represents the dreamer’s ba­sic personality traits. Often it depicts the natural urges the personality meets in itself, but which may not be expressed. How one deals with the animal or figure shows one’s relation­ship with what is felt to be one’s basic self and potential.

See Also: planet.


If you dream of studying the Zodiac it will denote that you will distinguish yourself in business and popularity. Should the Zodiac read in a odd manner then it denotes some unpleasant event is hovering around you and you need to be ready to dispel it. Just dreaming of the Zodiac augurs an uncommon rise in material wealth and position in a short time.

If you map out the Zodiac then you will have good fortune in your future.


The zodiac is a system of archetypes that together describe the human experience as a function of twelve different styles or sensibilities. While not everyone believes in the validity of astrology, these archetypes are embedded in the collective consciousness of the Western world.

If you dream about any aspect of the zodiac, you are being invited to consider archetypal thinking.


The zodiac wheel is symbolic of our relationship with the universe. Sometimes the signs of the zodiac are used in dreams to demonstrate time or time passing, and also suggest courses of action we might take. Each sign also rules (has responsibility for) a particular part of the physical body, and any imbalance is reflected into dreams through the symbolism of the zodiac.


This spherical symbol of the astrological signs that bear the names of the constellations could be an indication that one’s subconscious is guiding one to investigate astrology, or to have a chart cast by an astrologer—especially if this dream occurs around one’s birthday. Alternatively, it could also represent a sense of feeling fated or even fatalistic.


Principle of time; potential for expression and manifestation in time-space. Culmination of all traits, aspects, potential within self. Balance within; earth, air, fire and water.

See Also: Astrology; Horoscope.


To dream of the twelve signs of the zodiac shows a great traveler, and predicts a voyage around the world (Gypsy)


1. Conscious being, self (attributes of given sign).

2. Very good luck, random (as in lottery win).


You are likely to have fame as well as financial success if you dreamed of seeing or studying the Zodiac.


See Also: listings for specific signs of the Zodiac.


Different aspects of yourself


See Also: Astrology.


To dream of the twelve signs of the zodiac, shows, to a man, that he will be a great traveller, and sail once round the world; to a woman, that she will wed a foreigner who is deeply skilled in astronomy.


lucky numbers: 08-17-25-49-50-53

of any sign of the: wil have a big fortune in the future.

children’s: wil be greatly loved by the children.

family’s: riches.

own sign: wil win a lottery.

relative’s: wil have arguments with relatives.


4 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about zodiac related.

(See Celestial spheres, Constellations, Dog, Star)...

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